Start Update Scan - Computer User

Goal: To discover changes in the set of updates available to the client computer and their deployments since the last time the use case was executed. Additionally, update metadata is retrieved from the update server for new updates. The result of the first execution of this use case on a client computer is the discovery of the entire set of updates available to the client computer, and their deployments and metadata.

Context of Use: This use case is executed periodically to poll for changes in the update set and deployments.

Direct Actor: The direct actor of this use case is a client management tool.

Primary Actor: The primary actor of this use case is a computer user.

Supporting Actors: None.

Stakeholders and Interests:

  • A client management tool, as described in section 2.5.1, enables a computer user to start a scan for updates.

  • Computer users, as described in section 2.5.1, expect that after this use case is executed, the results of the update scan are reported back to the computer user.

  • WSUS administrators, as described in section 2.5.1 can execute this use case to understand the set of updates that are applicable to a given computer, or to understand the set of computers to which a given update is applicable.


  • The update client is required to know the network location of its server.

  • The update client is required to be able to reach its server over the network.

Minimal Guarantees:

  • If the update scan fails, the client attempts to report the failed operation back to the server.

Success Guarantee:

  • If the update scan is successful, the client's update set and update deployments are synchronized with the server.

  • If the update scan is successful, the client attempts to report the successful operation back to the server.


  • A computer user can trigger this use case by use of a client management tool.

  • An automated agent can trigger this use case periodically on a schedule.

Main Success Scenario:

  1. The computer user triggers the use case.

  2. The client communicates with the server to synchronize the update set and update deployments. This data is cached on the client.

  3. The client reports success back to the server.

Extensions: None.