
This complex type contains a collection of driver set identities.

<s:complexType name="DriverSetAndRevisionIdList">
 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Anchor" type="s:string" />
 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="NewRevisions" type="tns:ArrayOfUpdateIdentity" />
 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="NewDriverSets" type="tns:ArrayOfGuid" />
 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="RemovedDriverSets" type="tns:ArrayOfGuid" />

Anchor: This field MUST be returned. It identifies the point in time that the operation completed successfully. Note that the GetDriverIdList can be called multiple times for different groups of Ids (since there is a maximum limit on number of Ids). If called more than once, the method needs to be called with the same anchor that was returned from the first method result. The first anchor is persisted and used the next time the method is called.

NewRevisions: This field MUST be present. It identifies the list of driver update revisions that are new since the anchor specified in the filter. This field also includes the drivers corresponding to the driver sets in the NewDriverSets array. The list MUST be empty if there are no new revisions.

NewDriverSets: A list of driver sets that match the computer hardware Ids that were sent in the request and are new since the anchor specified in the filter.

RemovedDriverSets: A list of driver sets that were removed since the anchor specified in the filter. For removed driver sets, the method does not add the corresponding driver revisions to the NewRevisions collection. The fact that the driver set is removed does not mean that corresponding drivers are expired. It is up to Microsoft Update to determine whether any of the drivers that were referenced by the removed driver set are referenced by any other driver set. If not, then the information can be removed from its data store.