Google cognitive actions

Google cognitive services allow you to process unstructured data through machine learning and simplify complicated tasks like text analysis and computer vision.

You can implement this functionality in your desktop flows using the Google cognitive group of actions.

All Google cognitive actions require an API key that authorizes you to use the respective services. You can manage your API keys in the APIs & services section of the Cloud Console.

Screenshot of the Analyze entities action.

Analyze sentiment

Invokes the Google Cloud Natural Language service named 'Analyze Sentiment'.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
API key No Text value The Google Cloud API key to be used for this API call
Document type N/A Plain text, HTML Plain text The type of document to transmit
Provide document N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the document will be provided by a full path or a Google Cloud Storage URI
File path No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the document to transmit
GCS Content URI No Text value The URI of the image residing on Google Cloud Storage
Language Yes Text value The language of the text
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request

Analyze entities

Invokes the Google Cloud Natural Language service named 'Analyze Entities'.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
API key No Text value The Google Cloud API key to be used for this API call
Document type N/A Plain text, HTML Plain text The type of the document to transmit
Provide file N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the document will be provided by a full path or a Google Cloud Storage URI
File path No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the document to transmit
GCS URL No Text value The URI of the document residing on Google Cloud Storage
Language Yes Text value The language of the text
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request

Analyze syntax

Invokes the Google Cloud Natural Language service named 'Analyze Syntax'.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
API key No Text value The Google Cloud API key to be used for this API call
Document type N/A Plain text, HTML Plain text The type of document to transmit
Provide document N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the document will be provided by a full path or a Google Cloud Storage URI
File path No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the document to transmit
GCS Content URI No Text value The URI of the image residing on Google Cloud Storage
Language Yes Text value The language of the text
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request

Label detection

Invokes the Google Cloud Vision service named 'Label Detection'.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
API key No Text value The Google Cloud API key to be used for this API call
Provide image N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the image will be provided by a full path or a Google Cloud Storage URI
Image file No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the image file to transmit
GCS Image URI No Text value The URI of the image residing on Google Cloud Storage
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request

Landmark detection

Invokes the Google Cloud Vision service named 'Landmark Detection'.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
API key No Text value The Google Cloud API key to be used for this API call
Provide image N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the image will be provided by a full path or a Google Cloud Storage URI
Image file path No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the image file to transmit
GCS Image URI No Text value The URI of the image residing on Google Cloud Storage
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request

Text Detection

Invokes the Google Cloud Vision service named 'Text Detection'.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
API key No Text value The Google Cloud API key to be used for this API call
Provide image N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the image will be provided by a full path or a Google Cloud Storage URI
Image file No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the image file to transmit
GCS Image URI No Text value The URI of the image residing on Google Cloud Storage
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request

Logo detection

Invokes the Google Cloud Vision service named 'Logo Detection'.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
API key No Text value The Google Cloud API key to be used for this API call
Provide image N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the image will be provided by a full path or a Google Cloud Storage URI
Image file No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the image file to transmit
GCS Image URI No Text value The URI of the image residing on Google Cloud Storage
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request

Image properties detection

Invokes the Google Cloud Vision service named 'Image Properties Detection'.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
API key No Text value The Google Cloud API key to be used for this API call
Provide image N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the image will be provided by a full path or a Google Cloud Storage URI
Image file No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the image file to transmit
GCS Image URI No Text value The URI of the image residing on Google Cloud Storage
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request

Safe search detection

Invokes the Google Cloud Vision service named 'Safe Search Detection'.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
API key No Text value The Google Cloud API key to be used for this API call
Provide image N/A From file, From GCS From file Specify whether the image will be provided by a full path or a Google Cloud Storage URI
Image file No File The full path (folder plus filename) of the image file to transmit
GCS Image URI No Text value The URI of the image residing on Google Cloud Storage
Timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before it fails

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
JSONResponse Custom object The API response results
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Failed to Invoke cognitive services Indicates a problem while trying to invoke Cognitive Services
Request timeout expired Indicates that the timeout expired while performing the request