Power BI visuals test utils

This article helps you install, import, and use the Power BI visuals test utils. These test utilities can be used for unit testing and include mocks and methods for elements, such as data views, selections, and color schemas.


To use this package, install:


To install test utils and add its dependency to your package.json, run the following command from your Power BI visuals directory:

npm install powerbi-visuals-utils-testutils --save

The following provide descriptions and examples on the test utils public API.


Used by VisualBuilder in unit tests with the most frequently used methods, build, update, and updateRenderTimeout.

The build method returns a created instance of the visual.

The enumerateObjectInstances and updateEnumerateObjectInstancesRenderTimeout methods are required to check changes on the bucket and formatting options.

abstract class VisualBuilderBase<T extends IVisual> {
    element: JQuery;
    viewport: IViewport;
    visualHost: IVisualHost;
    protected visual: T;
    constructor(width?: number, height?: number, guid?: string, element?: JQuery);
    protected abstract build(options: VisualConstructorOptions): T;
     nit(): void;
    destroy(): void;
    update(dataView: DataView[] | DataView): void;
    updateRenderTimeout(dataViews: DataView[] | DataView, fn: Function, timeout?: number): number;
    updateEnumerateObjectInstancesRenderTimeout(dataViews: DataView[] | DataView, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions, fn: (enumeration: VisualObjectInstance[]) => void, timeout?: number): number;
    updateFlushAllD3Transitions(dataViews: DataView[] | DataView): void;
    updateflushAllD3TransitionsRenderTimeout(dataViews: DataView[] | DataView, fn: Function, timeout?: number): number;
    enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[];


Used by TestDataViewBuilder, this module provides a CategoricalDataViewBuilder class used in the createCategoricalDataViewBuilder method. It also specifies interfaces and methods required for working with mocked DataView in unit tests.

  • withValues adds static series columns, and withGroupedValues adds dynamic series columns.

    Don't apply both dynamic series and static series in a visual DataViewCategorical. You can only use them both in the DataViewCategorical query, where DataViewTransform is expected to split them into separate visual DataViewCategorical objects.

  • build returns the DataView with metadata and DataViewCategorical.

    build returns Undefined if the combination of parameters is illegal, such as including both dynamic and static series when building the visual DataView.

class CategoricalDataViewBuilder implements IDataViewBuilderCategorical {
    withCategory(options: DataViewBuilderCategoryColumnOptions): IDataViewBuilderCategorical;
    withCategories(categories: DataViewCategoryColumn[]): IDataViewBuilderCategorical;
    withValues(options: DataViewBuilderValuesOptions): IDataViewBuilderCategorical;
    withGroupedValues(options: DataViewBuilderGroupedValuesOptions): IDataViewBuilderCategorical;
    build(): DataView;

function createCategoricalDataViewBuilder(): IDataViewBuilderCategorical;


Used for VisualData creation in unit tests. When data is placed in data-field buckets, Power BI produces a categorical DataView object based on the data. The TestDataViewBuilder helps simulate categorical DataView creation.

abstract class TestDataViewBuilder {
    static DataViewName: string;
    private aggregateFunction;
    static setDefaultQueryName(source: DataViewMetadataColumn): DataViewMetadataColumn;
    static getDataViewBuilderColumnIdentitySources(options: TestDataViewBuilderColumnOptions[] | TestDataViewBuilderColumnOptions): DataViewBuilderColumnIdentitySource[];
    static getValuesTable(categories?: DataViewCategoryColumn[], values?: DataViewValueColumn[]): any[][];
    static createDataViewBuilderColumnOptions(categoriesColumns: (TestDataViewBuilderCategoryColumnOptions | TestDataViewBuilderCategoryColumnOptions[])[], valuesColumns: (DataViewBuilderValuesColumnOptions | DataViewBuilderValuesColumnOptions[])[], filter?: (options: TestDataViewBuilderColumnOptions) => boolean, customizeColumns?: CustomizeColumnFn): DataViewBuilderAllColumnOptions;
    static setUpDataViewBuilderColumnOptions(options: DataViewBuilderAllColumnOptions, aggregateFunction: (array: number[]) => number): DataViewBuilderAllColumnOptions;
    static setUpDataView(dataView: DataView, options: DataViewBuilderAllColumnOptions): DataView;
    protected createCategoricalDataViewBuilder(categoriesColumns: (TestDataViewBuilderCategoryColumnOptions | TestDataViewBuilderCategoryColumnOptions[])[], valuesColumns: (DataViewBuilderValuesColumnOptions | DataViewBuilderValuesColumnOptions[])[], columnNames: string[], customizeColumns?: CustomizeColumnFn): IDataViewBuilderCategorical;
    abstract getDataView(columnNames?: string[]): DataView;

The following lists the most frequently used interfaces when creating a testDataView:

interface TestDataViewBuilderColumnOptions extends DataViewBuilderColumnOptions {
    values: any[];

interface TestDataViewBuilderCategoryColumnOptions extends TestDataViewBuilderColumnOptions {
    objects?: DataViewObjects[];
    isGroup?: boolean;

interface DataViewBuilderColumnOptions {
    source: DataViewMetadataColumn;

interface DataViewBuilderSeriesData {
    values: PrimitiveValue[];
    highlights?: PrimitiveValue[];
    /** Client-computed maximum value for a column. */
    maxLocal?: any;
    /** Client-computed maximum value for a column. */
    minLocal?: any;

interface DataViewBuilderColumnIdentitySource {
    fields: any[];
    identities?: CustomVisualOpaqueIdentity[];



Implements IVisualHost to test Power BI visuals without external dependencies, such as the Power BI framework.

Useful methods include createSelectionIdBuilder, createSelectionManager, createLocalizationManager, and getter properties.

import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";

import VisualObjectInstancesToPersist = powerbi.VisualObjectInstancesToPersist;
import ISelectionIdBuilder = powerbi.visuals.ISelectionIdBuilder;
import ISelectionManager = powerbi.extensibility.ISelectionManager;
import IColorPalette = powerbi.extensibility.IColorPalette;
import IVisualEventService = powerbi.extensibility.IVisualEventService;
import ITooltipService = powerbi.extensibility.ITooltipService;
import IVisualHost = powerbi.extensibility.visual.IVisualHost;

class MockIVisualHost implements IVisualHost {
          colorPalette?: IColorPalette,
          selectionManager?: ISelectionManager,
          tooltipServiceInstance?: ITooltipService,
          localeInstance?: MockILocale,
          allowInteractionsInstance?: MockIAllowInteractions,
          localizationManager?: powerbi.extensibility.ILocalizationManager,
          telemetryService?: powerbi.extensibility.ITelemetryService,
          authService?: powerbi.extensibility.IAuthenticationService,
          storageService?: ILocalVisualStorageService,
          eventService?: IVisualEventService);
      createSelectionIdBuilder(): ISelectionIdBuilder;
      createSelectionManager(): ISelectionManager;
      createLocalizationManager(): ILocalizationManager;
      colorPalette: IColorPalette;
      locale: string;
      telemetry: ITelemetryService;
      tooltipService: ITooltipService;
      allowInteractios: boolean;
      storageService: ILocalVisualStorageService;
      eventService: IVisualEventService;
      persistProperties(changes: VisualObjectInstancesToPersist): void;
  • createVisualHost creates and returns an instance of IVisualHost, actually MockIVisualHost.

    function createVisualHost(locale?: Object, allowInteractions?: boolean, colors?: IColorInfo[], isEnabled?: boolean, displayNames?: any, token?: string): IVisualHost;


    import { createVisualHost } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-testutils"
    let host: IVisualHost = createVisualHost();


MockIVisualHost is a fake implementation of IVisualHost and should only be used with unit tests.


Implements IColorPalette to test Power BI visuals without external dependencies, such as the Power BI framework.

MockIColorPalette provides useful properties for checking color schema or high-contrast mode in unit tests.

import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import IColorPalette = powerbi.extensibility.ISandboxExtendedColorPalette;
import IColorInfo = powerbi.IColorInfo;

class MockIColorPalette implements IColorPalette {
    constructor(colors?: IColorInfo[]);
    getColor(key: string): IColorInfo;
    reset(): IColorPalette;
    isHighContrastMode: boolean;
    foreground: {value: string};
    foregroundLight: {value: string};
    background: {value: string};
    backgroundLight: {value: string};
    shapeStroke: {value: string};
  • createColorPalette creates and returns an instance of IColorPalette, actually MockIColorPalette.

    function createColorPalette(colors?: IColorInfo[]): IColorPalette;


    import { createColorPalette } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-testutils"
    let colorPalette: IColorPalette = createColorPalette();


MockIColorPalette is a fake implementation of IColorPalette and should only be used with unit tests.


Implements ISelectionId to test Power BI visuals without external dependencies, such as the Power BI framework.

import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import Selector = powerbi.data.Selector;
import ISelectionId = powerbi.visuals.ISelectionId;

class MockISelectionId implements ISelectionId {
    constructor(key: string);
    equals(other: ISelectionId): boolean;
    includes(other: ISelectionId, ignoreHighlight?: boolean): boolean;
    getKey(): string;
    getSelector(): Selector;
    getSelectorsByColumn(): Selector;
    hasIdentity(): boolean;
  • createSelectionId creates and returns an instance of ISelectionId, actually MockISelectionId.

    function createSelectionId(key?: string): ISelectionId;


    import { createColorPalette } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-testutils"
    let selectionId: ISelectionId = createSelectionId();


MockISelectionId is a fake implementation of ISelectionId and should only be used with unit tests.


Implements ISelectionIdBuilder to test Power BI visuals without external dependencies, such as the Power BI framework.

import DataViewCategoryColumn = powerbi.DataViewCategoryColumn;
import DataViewValueColumn = powerbi.DataViewValueColumn;
import DataViewValueColumnGroup = powerbi.DataViewValueColumnGroup;
import DataViewValueColumns = powerbi.DataViewValueColumns;
import ISelectionIdBuilder = powerbi.visuals.ISelectionIdBuilder;
import ISelectionId = powerbi.visuals.ISelectionId;

class MockISelectionIdBuilder implements ISelectionIdBuilder {
    withCategory(categoryColumn: DataViewCategoryColumn, index: number): this;
    withSeries(seriesColumn: DataViewValueColumns, valueColumn: DataViewValueColumn | DataViewValueColumnGroup): this;
    withMeasure(measureId: string): this;
    createSelectionId(): ISelectionId;
    withMatrixNode(matrixNode: DataViewMatrixNode, levels: DataViewHierarchyLevel[]): this;
    withTable(table: DataViewTable, rowIndex: number): this;
  • createSelectionIdBuilder creates and returns an instance of ISelectionIdBuilder, actually MockISelectionIdBuilder.

    function createSelectionIdBuilder(): ISelectionIdBuilder;


    import { selectionIdBuilder } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-testutils";
    let selectionIdBuilder = createSelectionIdBuilder();


MockISelectionIdBuilder is a fake implementation of ISelectionIdBuilder and should only be used with unit tests.


Implements ISelectionManager to test Power BI visuals without external dependencies, such as the Power BI framework.

import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import IPromise = powerbi.IPromise;
import ISelectionId = powerbi.visuals.ISelectionId;
import ISelectionManager = powerbi.extensibility.ISelectionManager;

class MockISelectionManager implements ISelectionManager {
    select(selectionId: ISelectionId | ISelectionId[], multiSelect?: boolean): IPromise<ISelectionId[]>;
    hasSelection(): boolean;
    clear(): IPromise<{}>;
    getSelectionIds(): ISelectionId[];
    containsSelection(id: ISelectionId): boolean;
    showContextMenu(selectionId: ISelectionId, position: IPoint): IPromise<{}>;
    registerOnSelectCallback(callback: (ids: ISelectionId[]) => void): void;
    simutateSelection(selections: ISelectionId[]): void;
  • createSelectionManager creates and returns an instance of ISelectionManager, actually MockISelectionManager.

    function createSelectionManager(): ISelectionManager


    import { createSelectionManager } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-testutils";
    let selectionManager: ISelectionManager = createSelectionManager();


MockISelectionManager is a fake implementation of ISelectionManager and should only be used with unit tests.


Sets the locale and changes it for your needs during a unit testing process.

class MockILocale {
    constructor(locales?: Object): void; // Default locales are en-US and ru-RU 
    locale(key: string): void;// setter property
    locale(): string; // getter property
  • createLocale creates and returns an instance of MockILocale.
    funciton createLocale(locales?: Object): MockILocale;


Simulates TooltipService and calls it for your needs during a unit testing process.

class MockITooltipService implements ITooltipService {
    constructor(isEnabled: boolean = true);
    enabled(): boolean;
    show(options: TooltipShowOptions): void;
    move(options: TooltipMoveOptions): void;
    hide(options: TooltipHideOptions): void;
  • createTooltipService creates and returns an instance of MockITooltipService.
    function createTooltipService(isEnabled?: boolean): ITooltipService;


export class MockIAllowInteractions {
    constructor(public isEnabled?: boolean); // false by default
  • createAllowInteractions creates and returns an instance of MockIAllowInteractions.
    function createAllowInteractions(isEnabled?: boolean): MockIAllowInteractions;


Provides basic abilities of LocalizationManager, which are needed for unit testing.

class MockILocalizationManager implements ILocalizationManager {
    constructor(displayNames: {[key: string]: string});
    getDisplayName(key: string): string; // returns default or setted displayNames for localized elements
  • createLocalizationManager creates and returns an instance of ILocalizationManager, actually MockILocalizationManager.

    function createLocalizationManager(displayNames?: any): ILocalizationManager;


    import { createLocalizationManager } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-testutils";
    let localizationManagerMock: ILocalizationManager = createLocalizationManager();


Simulates TelemetryService usage.

class MockITelemetryService implements ITelemetryService {
    instanceId: string;
    trace(veType: powerbi.VisualEventType, payload?: string) {

Creation of MockITelemetryService typescript function createTelemetryService(): ITelemetryService;


Simulates the work of AuthenticationService by providing a mocked Microsoft Entra token.

class MockIAuthenticationService implements IAuthenticationService  {
    constructor(token: string);
    getAADToken(visualId?: string): powerbi.IPromise<string>
  • createAuthenticationService creates and returns an instance of IAuthenticationService, actually MockIAuthenticationService.
    function createAuthenticationService(token?: string): IAuthenticationService;


Allows you to use ILocalVisualStorageService with the same behavior as LocalStorage.

class MockIStorageService implements ILocalVisualStorageService {
  get(key: string): IPromise<string>;
  set(key: string, data: string): IPromise<number>;
  remove(key: string): void;
  • createStorageService creates and returns an instance of ILocalVisualStorageService, actually MockIStorageService.
    function createStorageService(): ILocalVisualStorageService;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import IVisualEventService = powerbi.extensibility.IVisualEventService;
import VisualUpdateOptions = powerbi.extensibility.VisualUpdateOptions;

class MockIEventService implements IVisualEventService {
      renderingStarted(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
      renderingFinished(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
      renderingFailed(options: VisualUpdateOptions, reason?: string): void;
  • createEventService creates and returns an instance of IVisualEventService, actually MockIEventService.
    function createEventService(): IVisualEventService;


Utils include helper methods for Power BI visuals' unit testing, including helpers related to colors, numbers, and events.

  • renderTimeout returns a timeout.

    function renderTimeout(fn: Function, timeout: number = DefaultWaitForRender): number
  • testDom helps set a fixture in unit tests.

    function testDom(height: number | string, width: number | string): JQuery


    import { testDom }  from "powerbi-visuals-utils-testutils";
    describe("testDom", () => {
        it("should return an element", () => {
            let element: JQuery = testDom(500, 500);
  • getSolidColorStructuralObject

    function getSolidColorStructuralObject(color: string): any

    Returns the following structure:

    { solid: { color: color } }
  • assertColorsMatch compares RgbColor objects parsed from input strings.

    function assertColorsMatch(actual: string, expected: string, invert: boolean = false): boolean
  • parseColorString parses color from the input string and returns it in specified interface RgbColor.

    function parseColorString(color: string): RgbColor
  • getRandomNumbers generates a random number using min and max values. You can specify exceptionList and provide a function for result change.

    function getRandomNumber(
        min: number,
        max: number,
        exceptionList?: number[],
        changeResult: (value: any) => number = x => x): number
  • getRandomNumbers provides an array of random numbers generated by the getRandomNumber method with specified min and max values.

    function getRandomNumbers(count: number, min: number = 0, max: number = 1): number[]

The following methods are written for web page event simulation in unit tests.

  • clickElement simulates a click on the specified element.

    function clickElement(element: JQuery, ctrlKey: boolean = false): void
  • createTouch returns a Touch object to help simulate a touch event.

    function createTouch(x: number, y: number, element: JQuery, id: number = 0): Touch
  • createTouchesList returns a list of simulated Touch events.

    function createTouchesList(touches: Touch[]): TouchList
  • createContextMenuEvent returns MouseEvent.

    function createContextMenuEvent(x: number, y: number): MouseEvent
  • createMouseEvent creates and returns MouseEvent.

    function createMouseEvent(
        mouseEventType: MouseEventType,
        eventType: ClickEventType,
        x: number,
        y: number,
        button: number = 0): MouseEvent
  • createTouchEndEvent

    function createTouchEndEvent(touchList?: TouchList): UIEvent
  • createTouchMoveEvent

    function createTouchMoveEvent(touchList?: TouchList): UIEvent
  • createTouchStartEvent

    function createTouchStartEvent(touchList?: TouchList): UIEvent

The following methods are used to simulate D3 events in unit tests.

  • flushAllD3Transitions forces all D3 transitions to complete.

    function flushAllD3Transitions()


    Normally, zero-delay transitions are executed after an instantaneous delay (<10 ms), but this can cause a brief flicker if the browser renders the page twice. Once at the end of the first event loop, then again immediately on the first timer callback.

    These flickers are more noticeable on IE and with a large number of webviews and aren't recommended for iOS.

    By flushing the timer queue at the end of the first event loop, you can run any zero-delay transitions immediately and avoid the flicker.

The following methods are also included:

function d3Click(element: JQuery, x: number, y: number, eventType?: ClickEventType, button?: number): void
function d3MouseUp(element: JQuery, x: number, y: number, eventType?: ClickEventType, button?: number): void
function d3MouseDown(element: JQuery, x: number, y: number, eventType?: ClickEventType, button?: number): void
function d3MouseOver(element: JQuery, x: number, y: number, eventType?: ClickEventType, button?: number): void
function d3MouseMove(element: JQuery, x: number, y: number, eventType?: ClickEventType, button?: number): void
function d3MouseOut(element: JQuery, x: number, y: number, eventType?: ClickEventType, button?: number): void
function d3KeyEvent(element: JQuery, typeArg: string, keyArg: string, keyCode: number): void
function d3TouchStart(element: JQuery, touchList?: TouchList): void
function d3TouchMove(element: JQuery, touchList?: TouchList): void
function d3TouchEnd(element: JQuery, touchList?: TouchList): void
function d3ContextMenu(element: JQuery, x: number, y: number): void

Helper interfaces

The following interface and enumerations are used in the helper function.

interface RgbColor {
    R: number;
    G: number;
    B: number;
    A?: number; 

enum ClickEventType {
    Default = 0,
    CtrlKey = 1,
    AltKey = 2,
    ShiftKey = 4,
    MetaKey = 8,

enum MouseEventType {

To write unit tests for webpack-based Power BI visuals, and unit test with karma and jasmine, see Tutorial: Add unit tests for Power BI visual projects.