Implementing choices (multi select option set) component

This sample component demonstrates how to leverage the multi select option set type on properties of field components. By binding the code component's primary property to this type, users can create all new types of controls with choices column.


Control must be bound to a column of type MultiSelectOptionSet, then the OptionSet associated with that column is populated in the component.

Multi select option set component.

Available for

Model-driven apps


You can download the complete sample component from here

In the manifest, a single property of type MultiSelectOptionSet is defined. This property is automatically bound to the OptionSet associated with whatever column the component is placed in the model-driven app.

This component renders a standard select element, with options for each value in the OptionSet, and a text column to display all the currently selected options. Each value's onClick call back is set to the updateIndividualSelected method defined in this component. This method will either add or remove the selected option and then calls the notifyOutputChanged to let the framework know there has been a change in the data.

For MultiSelectOptionSets, each option has a display name for the value as well as a numerical value associated with it. To track the currently selected options, the control maintains an array of the value's of all the currently selected options. This method is to align with what PCF expects back from the control for MultiSelectOptionSet in getOutputs.

The getOutputs method simply returns the currently selected set of values back to the framework for it to update. In updateView method, the component simply updates the content of the selected options text label to align with the newest value received from the framework through the MultiSelectOptionSet properyt's formatted value.

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How to use the sample components
Power Apps component framework API reference
Power Apps component framework manifest schema reference