Calling DSC resource methods directly

Applies To: Windows PowerShell 5.0

You can use the Invoke-DscResource cmdlet to directly call the functions or methods of a DSC resource (The Get-TargetResource, Set-TargetResource, and Test-TargetResource functions of a MOF-based resource, or the Get, Set, and Test methods of a class-based resource). This can be used by third-parties that want to use DSC resources, or as a helpful tool while developing resources.


In PowerShell 7.0+, Invoke-DscResource no longer supports invoking WMI DSC resources. This includes the File and Log resources in PSDesiredStateConfiguration.

This cmdlet is typically used in combination with a metaconfiguration property refreshMode = 'Disabled', but it can be used no matter what refreshMode is set to.

When calling the Invoke-DscResource cmdlet, you specify which method or function to call by using the Method parameter. You specify the properties of the resource by passing a hashtable as the value of the Property parameter.

The following are examples of directly calling resource methods:

Ensure a file is present

$result = Invoke-DscResource -Name File -Method Set -Property @{
              DestinationPath = "$env:SystemDrive\\DirectAccess.txt";
              Contents = 'This file is create by Invoke-DscResource'} -Verbose
$result | fl

Test that a file is present

$result = Invoke-DscResource -Name File -Method Test -Property @{
              Contents='This file is create by Invoke-DscResource'} -Verbose
$result | fl

Get the contents of file

$result = Invoke-DscResource -Name File -Method Get -Property @{
              Contents='This file is create by Invoke-DscResource'} -Verbose
$result.ItemValue | fl


Directly calling composite resource methods is not supported. Instead, call the methods of the underlying resources that make up the composite resource.

See Also