Update Nodes from a Pull Server

The sections below assume that you have already set up a Pull Server. If you have not set up your Pull Server, you can use the following guides:

Each target node can be configured to download configurations, resources, and even report its status. This article will show you how to upload resources so they are available to be downloaded, and configure clients to download resources automatically. When the Node's receives an assigned Configuration, through Pull or Push (v5), it automatically downloads any resources required by the Configuration from the location specified in the LCM.

Using the Update-DSCConfiguration cmdlet

Beginning in PowerShell 5.0, the Update-DSCConfiguration cmdlet, forces a Node to update its configuration from the Pull Server configured in the LCM.

Update-DSCConfiguration -ComputerName "Server01"

Using Invoke-CIMMethod

In PowerShell 4.0, you can still manually force a Pull Client to update its Configuration using Invoke-CIMMethod. The following example creates a CIM session with specified credentials, invokes the appropriate CIM method, and removes the session.

$cimSession = New-CimSession -ComputerName "Server01" -Credential $(Get-Credential)
Invoke-CimMethod -CimSession $cimSession -Namespace 'root/microsoft/windows/desiredstateconfiguration' -Class 'MSFT_DscLocalConfigurationManager' -MethodName 'PerformRequiredConfigurationChecks' -Arguments @{ 'Flags' = [uint32]1 } -Verbose
$cimSession | Remove-CimSession

See Also
