Configure a virtual machines at initial boot-up by using DSC


Applies To: Windows PowerShell 5.0



The DSCAutomationHostEnabled registry key described in this topic is not available in PowerShell 4.0. For information on how to configure new virtual machines at initial boot-up in PowerShell 4.0, see Want to Automatically Configure Your Machines Using DSC at Initial Boot-up?

To run these examples, you will need:

  • A bootable VHD to work with. You can download an ISO with an evaluation copy of Windows Server 2016 at Evaluation Center. You can find instructions on how to create a VHD from an ISO image at Creating Bootable Virtual Hard Disks.

  • A host computer that has Hyper-V enabled. For information, see Hyper-V overview.

    By using DSC, you can automate software installation and configuration for a computer at initial boot-up. You do this by either injecting a configuration MOF document or a metaconfiguration into bootable media (such as a VHD) so that they are run during the initial boot-up process. This behavior is specified by the DSCAutomationHostEnabled registry key registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System. By default, the value of this key is 2, which allows DSC to run at boot time.

    If you do not want DSC to run at boot time, set the value of the DSCAutomationHostEnabled registry key registry key to 0.

  • Inject a configuration MOF document into a VHD

  • Inject a DSC metaconfiguration into a VHD

  • Disable DSC at boot time


You can inject both Pending.mof and MetaConfig.mof into a computer at the same time. If both files are present, the settings specified in MetaConfig.mof take precedence.

Inject a configuration MOF document into a VHD

To enact a configuration at initial boot-up, you can inject a compiled configuration MOF document into the VHD as its Pending.mof file. If the DSCAutomationHostEnabled registry key is set to 2 (the default value), DSC will apply the configuration defined by Pending.mof when the computer boots up for the first time.

For this example, we will use the following configuration, which will install IIS on the new computer:

Configuration SampleIISInstall
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'

    node ('localhost')
        WindowsFeature IIS
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name   = 'Web-Server'

To inject the configuration MOF document on the VHD

  1. Mount the VHD into which you want to inject the configuration by calling the Mount-VHD cmdlet. For example:

    Mount-VHD -Path C:\users\public\documents\vhd\Srv16.vhd
  2. On a computer running PowerShell 5.0 or later, save the above configuration (SampleIISInstall) as a PowerShell script (.ps1) file.

  3. In a PowerShell console, navigate to the folder where you saved the .ps1 file.

  4. Run the following PowerShell commands to compile the MOF document (for information about compiling DSC configurations, see DSC Configurations:

    . .\SampleIISInstall.ps1
  5. This will create a localhost.mof file in a new folder named SampleIISInstall. Rename and move that file into the proper location on the VHD as Pending.mof by using the Move-Item cmdlet. For example:

    Move-Item -Path C:\DSCTest\SampleIISInstall\localhost.mof -Destination E:\Windows\System32\Configuration\Pending.mof
  6. Dismount the VHD by calling the Dismount-VHD cmdlet. For example:

    Dismount-VHD -Path C:\users\public\documents\vhd\Srv16.vhd
  7. Create a VM by using the VHD where you installed the DSC MOF document.

After initial boot-up and operating system installation, IIS will be installed. You can verify this by calling the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet.

Inject a DSC metaconfiguration into a VHD

You can also configure a computer to pull a configuration at initial boot-up by injecting a metaconfiguration (see Configuring the Local Configuration Manager (LCM)) into the VHD as its MetaConfig.mof file. If the DSCAutomationHostEnabled registry key is set to 2 (the default value), DSC will apply the metaconfiguration defined by MetaConfig.mof to the LCM when the computer boots up for the first time. If the metaconfiguration specifies that the LCM should pull configurations from a pull server, the computer will attempt to pull a configuration from that pull server at initial boot-up. For information about setting up a DSC pull server, see Setting up a DSC web pull server.

For this example, we will use both the configuration described in the previous section (SampleIISInstall), and the following metaconfiguration:

configuration PullClientBootstrap
    Node localhost
            RefreshMode = 'Pull'
            RefreshFrequencyMins = 30
            RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true
        ConfigurationRepositoryWeb CONTOSO-PullSrv
            ServerURL = 'https://CONTOSO-PullSrv:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc'
            RegistrationKey = '140a952b-b9d6-406b-b416-e0f759c9c0e4'
            ConfigurationNames = @('SampleIISInstall')

To inject the metaconfiguration MOF document on the VHD

  1. Mount the VHD into which you want to inject the metaconfiguration by calling the Mount-VHD cmdlet. For example:

    Mount-VHD -Path C:\users\public\documents\vhd\Srv16.vhd
  2. Set up a DSC web pull server, and save the SampleIISInstall configuration to the appropriate folder.

  3. On a computer running PowerShell 5.0 or later, save the above metaconfiguration (PullClientBootstrap) as a PowerShell script (.ps1) file.

  4. In a PowerShell console, navigate to the folder where you saved the .ps1 file.

  5. Run the following PowerShell commands to compile the metaconfiguration MOF document (for information about compiling DSC configurations, see DSC Configurations:

    . .\PullClientBootstrap.ps1
  6. This will create a localhost.meta.mof file in a new folder named PullClientBootstrap. Rename and move that file into the proper location on the VHD as MetaConfig.mof by using the Move-Item cmdlet.

    Move-Item -Path C:\DSCTest\PullClientBootstrap\localhost.meta.mof -Destination E:\Windows\System32\Configuration\MetaConfig.mof
  7. Dismount the VHD by calling the Dismount-VHD cmdlet. For example:

    Dismount-VHD -Path C:\users\public\documents\vhd\Srv16.vhd
  8. Create a VM by using the VHD where you installed the DSC MOF document.

After initial boot-up and operating system installation, DSC will pull the configuration from the pull server, and IIS will be installed. You can verify this by calling the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet.

Disable DSC at boot time

By default, the value of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DSCAutomationHostEnabled key is set to 2, which allows a DSC configuration to run if the computer is in pending or current state. If you do not want a configuration to run at initial boot-up, you need so set the value of this key to 0:

  1. Mount the VHD by calling the Mount-VHD cmdlet. For example:

    Mount-VHD -Path C:\users\public\documents\vhd\Srv16.vhd
  2. Load the registry HKLM\Software subkey from the VHD by calling reg load.

    reg load HKLM\Vhd E:\Windows\System32\Config\Software
  3. Change the value of DSCAutomationHostEnabled to 0 in the loaded hive.

    reg add "HKLM\Vhd\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /v DSCAutomationHostEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
  4. Unload the registry by running the following commands:

    reg unload HKLM\Vhd

See Also

DSC Configurations

DSCAutomationHostEnabled registry key

Configuring the Local Configuration Manager (LCM)

Setting up a DSC web pull server