
Log video teleconferencing device quality data. The Cloud Video Interop (CVI) bot represents video teleconferencing (VTC) devices and acts as a back-to-back agent for a VTC device in a conference call. Because a CVI bot is in the middle of the VTC and Microsoft Teams infrastructure as a VTC proxy, it has two media legs. One media leg is between the CVI bot and Teams infrastructure, such as Teams conference server or a Teams client. The other media leg is between the CVI bot and the VTC device. The third-party partners own the VTC media leg and the Teams infrastructure cannot access the quality data of the third-party call leg. This method is only for the CVI partners to provide their media quality data.


To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaLogCommunicationCallTeleconferenceDeviceQuality


      [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
      [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>]
      [-Quality <IMicrosoftGraphTeleconferenceDeviceQuality>]
      [-Headers <IDictionary>]
      [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
      -Body <IPaths1JbdsmaCommunicationsCallsMicrosoftGraphLogteleconferencedevicequalityPostRequestbodyContentApplicationJsonSchema>
      [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
      [-Headers <IDictionary>]
      [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]


Log video teleconferencing device quality data. The Cloud Video Interop (CVI) bot represents video teleconferencing (VTC) devices and acts as a back-to-back agent for a VTC device in a conference call. Because a CVI bot is in the middle of the VTC and Microsoft Teams infrastructure as a VTC proxy, it has two media legs. One media leg is between the CVI bot and Teams infrastructure, such as Teams conference server or a Teams client. The other media leg is between the CVI bot and the VTC device. The third-party partners own the VTC media leg and the Teams infrastructure cannot access the quality data of the third-party call leg. This method is only for the CVI partners to provide their media quality data.


Example 1: Using the Invoke-MgLogCommunicationCallTeleconferenceDeviceQuality Cmdlet

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.CloudCommunications
$params = @{
	Quality = @{
		"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.teleconferenceDeviceQuality"
		CallChainId = "0622673d-9f69-49b3-9d4f-5ec64f42ecce"
		ParticipantId = "ea078406-b5d4-4d3c-b85e-90103dcec7f6"
		MediaLegId = "bd9ee398-4b9d-42c7-8b8d-4e8efad9435f"
		DeviceName = "TestAgent"
		DeviceDescription = "TestDescription"
		MediaQualityList = @(
				"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.teleconferenceDeviceAudioQuality"
				ChannelIndex = 1
				MediaDuration = "PT20M"
				NetworkLinkSpeedInBytes = 13000
				LocalIPAddress = ""
				LocalPort = 6300
				RemoteIPAddress = ""
				RemotePort = 6301
				InboundPackets = 5500
				OutboundPackets = 5400
				AverageInboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.01
				AverageOutboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.02
				MaximumInboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.05
				MaximumOutboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.06
				AverageInboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.03S"
				AverageOutboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.04S"
				MaximumInboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.13S"
				MaximumOutboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.14S"
				AverageInboundJitter = "PT0.01S"
				AverageOutboundJitter = "PT0.015S"
				MaximumInboundJitter = "PT0.023S"
				MaximumOutboundJitter = "PT0.024S"
				"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.teleconferenceDeviceVideoQuality"
				ChannelIndex = 1
				MediaDuration = "PT20M"
				NetworkLinkSpeedInBytes = 13000
				LocalIPAddress = ""
				LocalPort = 6300
				RemoteIPAddress = ""
				RemotePort = 6301
				InboundPackets = 5500
				OutboundPackets = 5400
				AverageInboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.01
				AverageOutboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.02
				MaximumInboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.05
				MaximumOutboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.06
				AverageInboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.03S"
				AverageOutboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.04S"
				MaximumInboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.13S"
				MaximumOutboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.14S"
				AverageInboundJitter = "PT0.01S"
				AverageOutboundJitter = "PT0.015S"
				MaximumInboundJitter = "PT0.023S"
				MaximumOutboundJitter = "PT0.024S"
				"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.teleconferenceDeviceScreenSharingQuality"
				ChannelIndex = 1
				MediaDuration = "PT20M"
				NetworkLinkSpeedInBytes = 13000
				LocalIPAddress = ""
				LocalPort = 6300
				RemoteIPAddress = ""
				RemotePort = 6301
				InboundPackets = 5500
				OutboundPackets = 5400
				AverageInboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.01
				AverageOutboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.02
				MaximumInboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.05
				MaximumOutboundPacketLossRateInPercentage = 0.06
				AverageInboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.03S"
				AverageOutboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.04S"
				MaximumInboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.13S"
				MaximumOutboundRoundTripDelay = "PT0.14S"
				AverageInboundJitter = "PT0.01S"
				AverageOutboundJitter = "PT0.015S"
				MaximumInboundJitter = "PT0.023S"
				MaximumOutboundJitter = "PT0.024S"
Invoke-MgLogCommunicationCallTeleconferenceDeviceQuality -BodyParameter $params

This example shows how to use the Invoke-MgLogCommunicationCallTeleconferenceDeviceQuality Cmdlet. To learn about permissions for this resource, see the permissions reference.



Additional Parameters

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


. To construct, see NOTES section for BODY properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Optional headers that will be added to the request.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Returns true when the command succeeds

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


{{ Fill ProgressAction Description }}

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


teleconferenceDeviceQuality To construct, see NOTES section for QUALITY properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Optional Response Headers Variable.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False








To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.

BODY <IPaths1JbdsmaCommunicationsCallsMicrosoftGraphLogteleconferencedevicequalityPostRequestbodyContentApplicationJsonSchema>: .

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [Quality <IMicrosoftGraphTeleconferenceDeviceQuality>]: teleconferenceDeviceQuality
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [CallChainId <String>]: A unique identifier for all the participant calls in a conference or a unique identifier for two participant calls in P2P call. This needs to be copied over from Microsoft.Graph.Call.CallChainId.
    • [CloudServiceDeploymentEnvironment <String>]: A geo-region where the service is deployed, such as ProdNoam.
    • [CloudServiceDeploymentId <String>]: A unique deployment identifier assigned by Azure.
    • [CloudServiceInstanceName <String>]: The Azure deployed cloud service instance name, such as FrontEndIN3.
    • [CloudServiceName <String>]: The Azure deployed cloud service name, such as
    • [DeviceDescription <String>]: Any additional description, such as VTC Bldg 30/21.
    • [DeviceName <String>]: The user media agent name, such as Cisco SX80.
    • [MediaLegId <String>]: A unique identifier for a specific media leg of a participant in a conference. One participant can have multiple media leg identifiers if retargeting happens. CVI partner assigns this value.
    • [MediaQualityList <IMicrosoftGraphTeleconferenceDeviceMediaQuality- []>]: The list of media qualities in a media session (call), such as audio quality, video quality, and/or screen sharing quality.
      • [AverageInboundJitter <TimeSpan?>]: The average inbound stream network jitter.
      • [AverageInboundPacketLossRateInPercentage <Double?>]: The average inbound stream packet loss rate in percentage (0-100). For example, 0.01 means 0.01%.
      • [AverageInboundRoundTripDelay <TimeSpan?>]: The average inbound stream network round trip delay.
      • [AverageOutboundJitter <TimeSpan?>]: The average outbound stream network jitter.
      • [AverageOutboundPacketLossRateInPercentage <Double?>]: The average outbound stream packet loss rate in percentage (0-100). For example, 0.01 means 0.01%.
      • [AverageOutboundRoundTripDelay <TimeSpan?>]: The average outbound stream network round trip delay.
      • [ChannelIndex <Int32?>]: The channel index of media. Indexing begins with 1. If a media session contains 3 video modalities, channel indexes will be 1, 2, and 3.
      • [InboundPackets <Int64?>]: The total number of the inbound packets.
      • [LocalIPAddress <String>]: the local IP address for the media session.
      • [LocalPort <Int32?>]: The local media port.
      • [MaximumInboundJitter <TimeSpan?>]: The maximum inbound stream network jitter.
      • [MaximumInboundPacketLossRateInPercentage <Double?>]: The maximum inbound stream packet loss rate in percentage (0-100). For example, 0.01 means 0.01%.
      • [MaximumInboundRoundTripDelay <TimeSpan?>]: The maximum inbound stream network round trip delay.
      • [MaximumOutboundJitter <TimeSpan?>]: The maximum outbound stream network jitter.
      • [MaximumOutboundPacketLossRateInPercentage <Double?>]: The maximum outbound stream packet loss rate in percentage (0-100). For example, 0.01 means 0.01%.
      • [MaximumOutboundRoundTripDelay <TimeSpan?>]: The maximum outbound stream network round trip delay.
      • [MediaDuration <TimeSpan?>]: The total modality duration. If the media enabled and disabled multiple times, MediaDuration will the summation of all of the durations.
      • [NetworkLinkSpeedInBytes <Int64?>]: The network link speed in bytes
      • [OutboundPackets <Int64?>]: The total number of the outbound packets.
      • [RemoteIPAddress <String>]: The remote IP address for the media session.
      • [RemotePort <Int32?>]: The remote media port.
    • [ParticipantId <String>]: A unique identifier for a specific participant in a conference. The CVI partner needs to copy over Call.MyParticipantId to this property.

QUALITY <IMicrosoftGraphTeleconferenceDeviceQuality>: teleconferenceDeviceQuality

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [CallChainId <String>]: A unique identifier for all the participant calls in a conference or a unique identifier for two participant calls in P2P call. This needs to be copied over from Microsoft.Graph.Call.CallChainId.
  • [CloudServiceDeploymentEnvironment <String>]: A geo-region where the service is deployed, such as ProdNoam.
  • [CloudServiceDeploymentId <String>]: A unique deployment identifier assigned by Azure.
  • [CloudServiceInstanceName <String>]: The Azure deployed cloud service instance name, such as FrontEndIN3.
  • [CloudServiceName <String>]: The Azure deployed cloud service name, such as
  • [DeviceDescription <String>]: Any additional description, such as VTC Bldg 30/21.
  • [DeviceName <String>]: The user media agent name, such as Cisco SX80.
  • [MediaLegId <String>]: A unique identifier for a specific media leg of a participant in a conference. One participant can have multiple media leg identifiers if retargeting happens. CVI partner assigns this value.
  • [MediaQualityList <IMicrosoftGraphTeleconferenceDeviceMediaQuality- []>]: The list of media qualities in a media session (call), such as audio quality, video quality, and/or screen sharing quality.
    • [AverageInboundJitter <TimeSpan?>]: The average inbound stream network jitter.
    • [AverageInboundPacketLossRateInPercentage <Double?>]: The average inbound stream packet loss rate in percentage (0-100). For example, 0.01 means 0.01%.
    • [AverageInboundRoundTripDelay <TimeSpan?>]: The average inbound stream network round trip delay.
    • [AverageOutboundJitter <TimeSpan?>]: The average outbound stream network jitter.
    • [AverageOutboundPacketLossRateInPercentage <Double?>]: The average outbound stream packet loss rate in percentage (0-100). For example, 0.01 means 0.01%.
    • [AverageOutboundRoundTripDelay <TimeSpan?>]: The average outbound stream network round trip delay.
    • [ChannelIndex <Int32?>]: The channel index of media. Indexing begins with 1. If a media session contains 3 video modalities, channel indexes will be 1, 2, and 3.
    • [InboundPackets <Int64?>]: The total number of the inbound packets.
    • [LocalIPAddress <String>]: the local IP address for the media session.
    • [LocalPort <Int32?>]: The local media port.
    • [MaximumInboundJitter <TimeSpan?>]: The maximum inbound stream network jitter.
    • [MaximumInboundPacketLossRateInPercentage <Double?>]: The maximum inbound stream packet loss rate in percentage (0-100). For example, 0.01 means 0.01%.
    • [MaximumInboundRoundTripDelay <TimeSpan?>]: The maximum inbound stream network round trip delay.
    • [MaximumOutboundJitter <TimeSpan?>]: The maximum outbound stream network jitter.
    • [MaximumOutboundPacketLossRateInPercentage <Double?>]: The maximum outbound stream packet loss rate in percentage (0-100). For example, 0.01 means 0.01%.
    • [MaximumOutboundRoundTripDelay <TimeSpan?>]: The maximum outbound stream network round trip delay.
    • [MediaDuration <TimeSpan?>]: The total modality duration. If the media enabled and disabled multiple times, MediaDuration will the summation of all of the durations.
    • [NetworkLinkSpeedInBytes <Int64?>]: The network link speed in bytes
    • [OutboundPackets <Int64?>]: The total number of the outbound packets.
    • [RemoteIPAddress <String>]: The remote IP address for the media session.
    • [RemotePort <Int32?>]: The remote media port.
  • [ParticipantId <String>]: A unique identifier for a specific participant in a conference. The CVI partner needs to copy over Call.MyParticipantId to this property.