The ISEOptions Object

The ISEOptions object represents various settings for Windows PowerShell ISE. It is an instance of the Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.ISEOptions class.

The ISEOptions object provides the following methods and properties.



Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Restores the default values of the token colors in the Console pane.

# Changes the color of the commands in the Console pane to red and then restores it to its default value.
$psISE.Options.ConsoleTokenColors["Command"] = 'red'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Restores the default values of all options settings in the Console pane. It also resets the behavior of various warning messages that provide the standard check box to prevent the message from being shown again.

# Changes the background color in the Console pane and then restores it to its default value.
$psISE.Options.ConsolePaneBackgroundColor = 'orange'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Restores the default values of the token colors in the Script pane.

# Changes the color of the comments in the Script pane to red and then restores it to its default value.
$psISE.Options.TokenColors["Comment"] = 'red'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Restores the default values of the token colors for XML elements that are displayed in Windows PowerShell ISE. Also see XmlTokenColors.

# Changes the color of the comments in XML data to red and then restores it to its default value.
$psISE.Options.XmlTokenColors["Comment"] = 'red'



Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies the number of minutes between automatic save operations of your files by Windows PowerShell ISE. The default value is 2 minutes. The value is an integer.

# Changes the number of minutes between automatic save operations to every 3 minutes.
$psISE.Options.AutoSaveMinuteInterval = 3


This feature is present in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0, but was removed or renamed in later versions of the ISE. For later versions, see ConsolePaneBackgroundColor.

Specifies the background color for the Command pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the background color of the Command pane to orange.
$psISE.Options.CommandPaneBackgroundColor = 'orange'


This feature is present in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0, but was removed or renamed in later versions of the ISE.

Specifies whether the Command pane is located above the Output pane.

# Moves the Command pane to the top of the screen.
$psISE.Options.CommandPaneUp  = $true


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies the background color for the Console pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the background color of the Console pane to red.
$psISE.Options.ConsolePaneBackgroundColor = 'red'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies the foreground color of the text in the Console pane.

# Changes the foreground color of the text in the Console pane to yellow.
$psISE.Options.ConsolePaneForegroundColor  = 'yellow'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies the background color of the text in the Console pane.

# Changes the background color of the Console pane text to pink.
$psISE.Options.ConsolePaneTextBackgroundColor = 'pink'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies the colors of the IntelliSense tokens in the Windows PowerShell ISE Console pane. This property is a dictionary object that contains name/value pairs of token types and colors for the Console pane. To change the colors of the IntelliSense tokens in the Script pane, see TokenColors. To reset the colors to the default values, see RestoreDefaultConsoleTokenColors. Token colors can be set for the following: Attribute, Command, CommandArgument, CommandParameter, Comment, GroupEnd, GroupStart, Keyword, LineContinuation, LoopLabel, Member, NewLine, Number, Operator, Position, StatementSeparator, String, Type, Unknown, Variable.

# Sets the color of commands to green.
$psISE.Options.ConsoleTokenColors["Command"] = 'green'
# Sets the color of keywords to magenta.
$psISE.Options.ConsoleTokenColors["Keyword"] = 'magenta'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies the background color for the debug text that appears in the Console pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the background color for the debug text that appears in the Console pane to blue.
$psISE.Options.DebugBackgroundColor = '#0000FF'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies the foreground color for the debug text that appears in the Console pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the foreground color for the debug text that appears in the Console pane to yellow.
$psISE.Options.DebugForegroundColor = 'yellow'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

A collection of properties that specify the default values to be used when the Reset methods are used.

# Displays the name of the default options. This example is from ISE 4.0.
SelectedScriptPaneState                   : Top
ShowDefaultSnippets                       : True
ShowToolBar                               : True
ShowOutlining                             : True
ShowLineNumbers                           : True
TokenColors                               : {[Attribute, #FF00BFFF], [Command, #FF0000FF], [CommandArgument, #FF8A2BE2], [CommandParameter, #FF000080]...}
ConsoleTokenColors                        : {[Attribute, #FFB0C4DE], [Command, #FFE0FFFF], [CommandArgument, #FFEE82EE], [CommandParameter, #FFFFE4B5]...}
XmlTokenColors                            : {[Comment, #FF006400], [CommentDelimiter, #FF008000], [ElementName, #FF8B0000], [MarkupExtension, #FFFF8C00]...}
DefaultOptions                            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.ISEOptions
FontSize                                  : 9
Zoom                                      : 100
FontName                                  : Lucida Console
ErrorForegroundColor                      : #FFFF0000
ErrorBackgroundColor                      : #00FFFFFF
WarningForegroundColor                    : #FFFF8C00
WarningBackgroundColor                    : #00FFFFFF
VerboseForegroundColor                    : #FF00FFFF
VerboseBackgroundColor                    : #00FFFFFF
DebugForegroundColor                      : #FF00FFFF
DebugBackgroundColor                      : #00FFFFFF
ConsolePaneBackgroundColor                : #FF012456
ConsolePaneTextBackgroundColor            : #FF012456
ConsolePaneForegroundColor                : #FFF5F5F5
ScriptPaneBackgroundColor                 : #FFFFFFFF
ScriptPaneForegroundColor                 : #FF000000
ShowWarningForDuplicateFiles              : True
ShowWarningBeforeSavingOnRun              : True
UseLocalHelp                              : True
AutoSaveMinuteInterval                    : 2
MruCount                                  : 10
ShowIntellisenseInConsolePane             : True
ShowIntellisenseInScriptPane              : True
UseEnterToSelectInConsolePaneIntellisense : True
UseEnterToSelectInScriptPaneIntellisense  : True
IntellisenseTimeoutInSeconds              : 3


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies the background color for error text that appears in the Console pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the background color for the error text that appears in the Console pane to black.
$psISE.Options.ErrorBackgroundColor = 'black'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies the foreground color for error text that appears in the Console pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the foreground color for the error text that appears in the console pane to green.
$psISE.Options.ErrorForegroundColor = 'green'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies the font name currently in use in both the Script pane and the Console pane.

# Changes the font used in both panes.
$psISE.Options.FontName = 'Courier New'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies the font size as an integer. It is used in the Script pane, the Command pane, and the Output pane. The valid range of values is 8 through 32.

# Changes the font size in all panes.
$psISE.Options.FontSize = 20


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies the number of seconds that IntelliSense uses to try to resolve the currently typed text. After this number of seconds, IntelliSense times out and enables you to continue typing. The default value is 3 seconds. The value is an integer.

# Changes the number of seconds for IntelliSense syntax recognition to 5.
$psISE.Options.IntellisenseTimeoutInSeconds = 5


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies the number of recently opened files that Windows PowerShell ISE tracks and displays at the bottom of the File Open menu. The default value is 10. The value is an integer.

# Changes the number of recently used files that appear at the bottom of the File Open menu to 5.
$psISE.Options.MruCount = 5


This feature is present in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0, but was removed or renamed in later versions of the ISE. For later versions, see ConsolePaneBackgroundColor.

The read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the Output pane itself. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the background color of the Output pane to gold.
$psISE.Options.OutputPaneForegroundColor = 'gold'


This feature is present in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0, but was removed or renamed in later versions of the ISE. For later versions, see ConsolePaneForegroundColor.

The read/write property that changes the foreground color of the text in the Output pane in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0.

# Changes the foreground color of the text in the Output Pane to blue.
$psISE.Options.OutputPaneTextForegroundColor  = 'blue'


This feature is present in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0, but was removed or renamed in later versions of the ISE. For later versions, see ConsolePaneTextBackgroundColor.

The read/write property that changes the background color of the text in the Output pane.

# Changes the background color of the Output pane text to pink.
$psISE.Options.OutputPaneTextBackgroundColor = 'pink'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

The read/write property that gets or sets the background color for files. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Sets the color of the script pane background to yellow.
$psISE.Options.ScriptPaneBackgroundColor = 'yellow'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

The read/write property that gets or sets the foreground color for non-script files in the Script pane. To set the foreground color for script files, use the TokenColors.

# Sets the foreground to color of non-script files in the script pane to green.
$psISE.Options.ScriptPaneBackgroundColor = 'green'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

The read/write property that gets or sets the position of the Script pane on the display. The string can be either 'Maximized', 'Top', or 'Right'.

# Moves the Script Pane to the top.
$psISE.Options.SelectedScriptPaneState = 'Top'
# Moves the Script Pane to the right.
$psISE.Options.SelectedScriptPaneState = 'Right'
# Maximizes the Script Pane
$psISE.Options.SelectedScriptPaneState = 'Maximized'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies whether the CTRL+J list of snippets includes the starter set that is included in Windows PowerShell. When set to $false, only user-defined snippets appear in the CTRL+J list. The default value is $true.

# Hide the default snippets from the CTRL+J list.
$psISE.Options.ShowDefaultSnippets = $false


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies whether IntelliSense offers syntax, parameter, and value suggestions in the Console pane. The default value is $true.

# Turn off IntelliSense in the console pane.
$psISE.Options.ShowIntellisenseInConsolePane = $false


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies whether IntelliSense offers syntax, parameter, and value suggestions in the Script pane. The default value is $true.

# Turn off IntelliSense in the Script pane.
$psISE.Options.ShowIntellisenseInScriptPane = $false


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies whether the Script pane displays line numbers in the left margin. The default value is $true.

# Turn off line numbers in the Script pane.
$psISE.Options.ShowLineNumbers = $false


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies whether the Script pane displays expandable and collapsible brackets next to sections of code in the left margin. When they are displayed, you can click the minus - icons next to a block of text to collapse it or click the plus + icon to expand a block of text. The default value is $true.

# Turn off outlining in the Script pane.
$psISE.Options.ShowOutlining = $false


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies whether the ISE toolbar appears at the top of the Windows PowerShell ISE window. The default value is $true.

# Show the toolbar.
$psISE.Options.ShowToolBar = $true


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies whether a warning message appears when a script is saved automatically before it is run. The default value is $true.

# Enable the warning message when an attempt
# is made to run a script without saving it first.
$psISE.Options.ShowWarningBeforeSavingOnRun = $true


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies whether a warning message appears when the same file is opened in different PowerShell tabs. If set to $true, to open the same file in multiple tabs displays this message: "A copy of this file is open in another Windows PowerShell tab. Changes made to this file will affect all open copies." The default value is $true.

# Enable the warning message when a file is
# opened in multiple PowerShell tabs.
$psISE.Options.ShowWarningForDuplicateFiles = $true


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies the colors of the IntelliSense tokens in the Windows PowerShell ISE Script pane. This property is a dictionary object that contains name/value pairs of token types and colors for the Script pane. To change the colors of the IntelliSense tokens in the Console pane, see ConsoleTokenColors. To reset the colors to the default values, see RestoreDefaultTokenColors. Token colors can be set for the following: Attribute, Command, CommandArgument, CommandParameter, Comment, GroupEnd, GroupStart, Keyword, LineContinuation, LoopLabel, Member, NewLine, Number, Operator, Position, StatementSeparator, String, Type, Unknown, Variable.

# Sets the color of commands to green.
$psISE.Options.TokenColors["Command"] = "green"
# Sets the color of keywords to magenta.
$psISE.Options.TokenColors["Keyword"] = "magenta"


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies whether you can use the Enter key to select an IntelliSense provided option in the Console pane. The default value is $true.

# Turn off using the ENTER key to select an IntelliSense provided option in the Console pane.
$psISE.Options.UseEnterToSelectInConsolePaneIntellisense = $false


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies whether you can use the Enter key to select an IntelliSense-provided option in the Script pane. The default value is $true.

# Turn on using the Enter key to select an IntelliSense provided option in the Console pane.
$psISE.Options.UseEnterToSelectInConsolePaneIntellisense = $true


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies whether the locally installed Help or the online Help appears when you press F1 with the cursor positioned in a keyword. If set to $true, then a pop-up window shows content from the locally installed Help. You can install the Help files by running the Update-Help command. If set to $false, then your browser opens to a page on Microsoft Learn.

# Sets the option for the online help to be displayed.
$psISE.Options.UseLocalHelp = $false
# Sets the option for the local Help to be displayed.
$psISE.Options.UseLocalHelp = $true


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies the background color for verbose text that appears in the Console pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color object.

# Changes the background color for verbose text to blue.
$psISE.Options.VerboseBackgroundColor ='#0000FF'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies the foreground color for verbose text that appears in the Console pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color object.

# Changes the foreground color for verbose text to yellow.
$psISE.Options.VerboseForegroundColor = 'yellow'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies the background color for warning text that appears in the Console pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color object.

# Changes the background color for warning text to blue.
$psISE.Options.WarningBackgroundColor = '#0000FF'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Specifies the foreground color for warning text that appears in the Output pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color object.

# Changes the foreground color for warning text to yellow.
$psISE.Options.WarningForegroundColor = 'yellow'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies a dictionary object that contains name/value pairs of token types and colors for XML content that is displayed in Windows PowerShell ISE. Token colors can be set for the following: Attribute, Command, CommandArgument, CommandParameter, Comment, GroupEnd, GroupStart, Keyword, LineContinuation, LoopLabel, Member, NewLine, Number, Operator, Position, StatementSeparator, String, Type, Unknown, Variable. Also see RestoreDefaultXmlTokenColors.

# Sets the color of XML element names to green.
$psISE.Options.XmlTokenColors["ElementName"] = 'green'
# Sets the color of XML comments to magenta.
$psISE.Options.XmlTokenColors["Comment"] = 'magenta'


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 3.0 and later, and not present in earlier versions.

Specifies the relative size of text in both the Console and Script panes. The default value is 100. Smaller values cause the text in Windows PowerShell ISE to appear smaller while larger numbers cause text to appear larger. The value is an integer that ranges from 20 to 400.

# Changes the text in the Windows PowerShell ISE to be double its normal size.
$psISE.Options.Zoom = 200

See Also