Install Additional DSC Resources

PowerShell includes several Out-of-the-box resources for Desired State Configuration (DSC). The PSDesiredStateConfiguration module contains all of the OOB DSC resources available on your specific instance of PowerShell.

This is a list of the OOB resources included in PowerShell 4.0 and a description of the resource's capabilities.


This is an incomplete list, as the number of OOB resources has grown with each version of PowerShell.

Resource Description
File Controls the state of files and directories. Copies files from a Source to a Destination and updates them when the Source changes by comparing dates, checksums, and hashes.
Archive Unpacks archives and a specified location. Validates the archives with a specified Checksum.
Environment Manages environment variables.
Group Manages local groups and controls group membership.
Log Writes messages to the Microsoft-Windows-Desired State Configuration/Analytic event log.
Package Installs or uninstalls packages using Arguments, LogPath, ReturnCode, other settings.
Registry Manages registry keys and values.
Script Allows you to design your own get-test-set script blocks.
Service Configures Windows services.
User Manages local users and attributes.
WindowsFeature Manages roles and features.
WindowsProcess Configures Windows processes.

The OOB resources allow a good starting point for common operations. If the OOB resources do not meet your needs, you can write your own Custom Resource. Before you write a custom resource to solve your problem, you should look through the vast number of DSC resources that have already been created by both Microsoft and the PowerShell community.

You can find DSC resources in both the PowerShell Gallery and GitHub. You can also install DSC resources directly from the PowerShell console using PowerShellGet.

Installing PowerShellGet

To determine if you already have PowerShell get, or to get help installing it, see the following guide: Installing PowerShellGet.

Finding DSC resources using PowerShellGet

Once PowerShellGet is installed on your system, you can find and install DSC resources hosted in the PowerShell Gallery.

First, use the Find-DSCResource cmdlet to find DSC resources. When you run Find-DSCResource for the first time, you see the following prompt to install the "NuGet provider".

PS> Find-DSCResource

NuGet provider is required to continue
PowerShellGet requires NuGet provider version '' or newer to interact with NuGet-based
repositories. The NuGet provider must be available in 'C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies'
or 'C:\Users\xAdministrator\AppData\Local\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies'. You can also install
the NuGet provider by running 'Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion
-Force'. Do you want PowerShellGet to install and import the NuGet provider now?
[Y] Yes  [N] No  [?] Help (default is "Y"):

After pressing 'y', the "NuGet" provider is installed, you see a list of DSC resources that you can install from the PowerShell Gallery.


List is not shown because it is very large.

You can also specify the -Name parameter using wildcards, or -Filter parameter without wildcards to narrow down your search. This example attempts to find a "TimeZone" DSC resource using the wildcards.


Currently there is a bug in the Find-DSCResource cmdlet that prevents using wildcards in both the -Name and -Filter parameters. The second example below shows a workaround using Where-Object.

PS> Find-DSCResource -Name *Time*

Name                                Version    ModuleName                          Repository
----                                -------    ----------                          ----------
Carbon_EnvironmentVariable          2.6.0      Carbon                              PSGallery
Carbon_FirewallRule                 2.6.0      Carbon                              PSGallery
Carbon_Group                        2.6.0      Carbon                              PSGallery
Carbon_IniFile                      2.6.0      Carbon                              PSGallery
Carbon_Permission                   2.6.0      Carbon                              PSGallery
Carbon_Privilege                    2.6.0      Carbon                              PSGallery
Carbon_ScheduledTask                2.6.0      Carbon                              PSGallery
Carbon_Service                      2.6.0      Carbon                              PSGallery
TimeZone                      ComputerManagementDsc               PSGallery
xTimeZone                     xTimeZone                           PSGallery
xSqlServerDefaultDir                1.0.0      mlSqlServerDSC                      PSGallery
xSqlServerMoveDatabaseFiles         1.0.0      mlSqlServerDSC                      PSGallery
xSqlServerSQLDataRoot               1.0.0      mlSqlServerDSC                      PSGallery
xSqlServerStartupParam              1.0.0      mlSqlServerDSC                      PSGallery

You can also use Where-Object to find DSC resources with more granular filtering. This approach will be slower than using built in filtering parameters.

PS> Find-DSCResource | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "Time*"}

Name                                Version    ModuleName                          Repository
----                                -------    ----------                          ----------
TimeZone                      ComputerManagementDsc               PSGallery

For more information on filtering, see Where-Object.

Installing DSC Resources using PowerShellGet

To install a DSC resource, use the Install-Module cmdlet, specifying the name of the module shown under Module name in your search results.

The "TimeZone" resource exists in the "ComputerManagementDSC" module, so that is the module this example installs.


If you have not trusted the PowerShell gallery, you see the warning below asking for confirmation, and instructing you how to avoid subsequent prompts on installs.

PS> Install-Module -Name ComputerManagementDSC

Untrusted repository
You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change
its InstallationPolicy value by running the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to
install the modules from 'PSGallery'?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "N"):

Press 'y' to continue installing the module. After install, you can verify that your new resource is installed using Get-DSCResource.

PS> Get-DSCResource -Name TimeZone -Syntax

TimeZone [String] #ResourceName
    IsSingleInstance = [string]{ Yes }
    TimeZone = [string]
    [DependsOn = [string[]]]
    [PsDscRunAsCredential = [PSCredential]]

You can also view other resources in your newly installed module, by specifying the -ModuleName parameter.

PS> Get-DSCResource -Module ComputerManagementDSC

ImplementedAs   Name                      ModuleName                     Version    Properties
-------------   ----                      ----------                     -------    ----------
PowerShell      Computer                  ComputerManagementDsc    {Name, Credential, DependsOn, ...
PowerShell      OfflineDomainJoin         ComputerManagementDsc    {IsSingleInstance, RequestFile...
PowerShell      PowerPlan                 ComputerManagementDsc    {IsSingleInstance, Name, Depen...
PowerShell      PowerShellExecutionPolicy ComputerManagementDsc    {ExecutionPolicy, ExecutionPol...
PowerShell      ScheduledTask             ComputerManagementDsc    {TaskName, ActionArguments, Ac...
PowerShell      TimeZone                  ComputerManagementDsc    {IsSingleInstance, TimeZone, D...
PowerShell      VirtualMemory             ComputerManagementDsc    {Drive, Type, DependsOn, Initi...

See also