DSC for Linux nxGroup Resource

The nxGroup resource in PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) provides a mechanism to manage local groups on a Linux node.


nxGroup <string> #ResourceName
    GroupName = <string>
    [ Members = <string[]> ]
    [ MembersToInclude = <string[]> ]
    [ MembersToExclude = <string[]> ]
    [ PreferredGroupID = <string> ]
    [ DependsOn = <string[]> ]
    [ Ensure = <string> { Absent | Present } ]


Property Description
GroupName Specifies the name of the group for which you want to ensure a specific state.
Members Specifies the members that form the group.
MembersToInclude Specifies the users who you want to ensure are members of the group.
MembersToExclude Specifies the users who you want to ensure are not members of the group.
PreferredGroupID Sets the group id to the provided value if possible. If the group id is currently in use, the next available group id is used.

Common properties

Property Description
DependsOn Indicates that the configuration of another resource must run before this resource is configured. For example, if the ID of the resource configuration script block that you want to run first is ResourceName and its type is ResourceType, the syntax for using this property is DependsOn = "[ResourceType]ResourceName".
Ensure Determines whether to check if the group exists. Set this property to Present to ensure the group exists. Set it to Absent to ensure the group does not exist. The default value is Present.


The following example ensures that the user 'monuser' exists and is a member of the group 'DBusers'.

Import-DSCResource -ModuleName nx

Node $node
    nxUser UserExample {
       UserName = 'monuser'
       Description = 'Monitoring user'
       Password = '$6$fZAne/Qc$MZejMrOxDK0ogv9SLiBP5J5qZFBvXLnDu8HY1Oy7ycX.Y3C7mGPUfeQy3A82ev3zIabhDQnj2ayeuGn02CqE/0'
       Ensure = 'Present'
       HomeDirectory = '/home/monuser'

    nxGroup GroupExample {
       GroupName = 'DBusers'
       Ensure = 'Present'
       MembersToInclude = 'monuser'
       DependsOn = '[nxUser]UserExample'