Windows Media Player 11 SDK Managing LoginĀ 

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Managing Login

Windows Media Player provides user interface elements that let users sign in to and sign out from the online store. The Player notifies the content partner plug-in about the user's request to sign in or out by calling IWMPContentPartner::Login or IWMPContentPartner::Logout.

The plug-in notifies Windows Media Player about changes to the user's sign-in state by calling IWMPContentPartnerCallback::Notify and passing the WMPCallbackNotification value wmpcnLoginStateChange through the first parameter.

Script code in the discovery page can retrieve information about whether the user is signed in by inspecting the External.userLoggedIn property. The discovery page code can request that the user sign in by calling External.attemptLogin. Login event notifications are handled by the External.OnLoginChange event.

See Also

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