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IMDSPStorage2::CreateStorage2 (deprecated)

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This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.

This topic documents a feature of the Windows Media Device Manager SDK. We recommend that you migrate your application to use the Windows Portable Devices API. For more information, see the Windows Portable Devices SDK.

The CreateStorage2 method creates a new storage with the specified name and returns a pointer to the IMDSPStorage interface on the newly created storage.


HRESULT CreateStorage2(
  DWORD  dwAttributes,
  DWORD  dwAttributesEx,
  _WAVEFORMATEX*  pAudioFormat,
  _VIDEOINFOHEADER*  pVideoFormat,
  LPWSTR  pwszName,
  ULONGLONG  qwFileSize,
  IMDSPStorage**  ppNewStorage



[in]  DWORD containing the attributes as described in the IMDSPStorage::CreateStorage method.


[in]  DWORD containing the extended attributes. There are currently no extended attributes defined.


[in]  Pointer to a _WAVEFORMATEX structure that contains audio format information about the object. This parameter is optional and is ignored if the file is not audio.


[in]  Pointer to a _VIDEOINFOHEADER structure that contains video format information about the object. This parameter is optional and is ignored if the file is not video.


[in]  Pointer to a wide-character null-terminated string containing the name for the new storage.


[in]  QWORD containing the size of the file to create. If the total size of the output file is not known at the time of creation, this value will be set to zero.


[out]  Pointer to an IMDSPStorage pointer to receive the IMDSPStorage interface for the newly created storage*.*

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. All the interface methods in Windows Media Device Manager can return any of the following classes of error codes:

  • Standard COM error codes
  • Windows error codes converted to HRESULT values
  • Windows Media Device Manager error codes

For an extenstive list of possible error codes, see Error Codes.

Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.
E_FAIL An unspecified error occurred.


If both the WMDM_FILE_ATTR_FOLDER and WMDM_FILE_ATTR_FILE attributes are set, the folder attribute overrides the file attribute, and the new storage is created as a folder.


The new storage can be created at the same level or can be inserted into the current storage, provided that the current storage is a folder. This is controlled by the value of the dwAttributes parameter. If it specifies WMDM_STORAGECONTROL_INSERTBEFORE or WMDM_STORAGECONTROL_INSERTAFTER, the new storage will be created at the same level as the current storage. If it specifies WMDM_STORAGECONTROL_INSERTINTO, the new storage will be inserted into the current storage.

WMDM_STORAGECONTROL_INSERTBEFORE and WMDM_STORAGECONTROL_INSERAFTER imply an ordering of content in the file system. If the file system does not support ordering (for example, FAT32) both the flags have the identical effect of inserting the new storage at the same level as the current storage. If the current storage represents the root of the storage medium, and one of these two flags is specified, the operation fails.

WMDM_STORAGECONTROL_INSERTINTO is valid only if the current storage is a folder. If the current storage is a file, and this flag is specified, the operation fails.

This method must be implemented. It must not return WMDM_E_NOTSUPPORTED or E_NOTIMPL. For more information, see Mandatory and Optional Interfaces.


Header: Defined in mswmdm.h.

Library: mssachlp.lib

See Also