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This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.

This topic documents a feature of the Windows Media Device Manager SDK. We recommend that you migrate your application to use the Windows Portable Devices API. For more information, see the Windows Portable Devices SDK.

Windows Media Device Manager defines the following structures.

Structure Description
_BITMAPINFOHEADER Defines the format of video frame.
MTP_COMMAND_DATA_IN Contains Media Transport Protocol (MTP) custom commands that are sent to the device by using the IWMDMDevice3::DeviceIoControl method.
MTP_COMMAND_DATA_OUT Contains Media Transport Protocol (MTP) responses that are filled by the device driver.
OPAQUECOMMAND Contains data for commands that are passed through Windows Media Device Manager to a device but are not intended to be acted upon by Windows Media Device Manager.
_VIDEOINFOHEADER Defines the format of a video stream.
_WAVEFORMATEX Defines the format of waveform-audio data.
WMDM_FORMAT_CAPABILITY Describes the capabilities of a device for a particular format. This structure contains a set of property configurations in an array of WMDM_PROP_CONFIG structures.
WMDM_PROP_CONFIG Describes a set of compatible property values across all the properties supported by the device for a particular format. This structure contains a number of property descriptions in an array of WMDM_PROP_DESC structures.
WMDM_PROP_DESC Describes valid values of a property in a particular property configuration.
WMDM_PROP_VALUES_ENUM Contains an enumerated set of valid values for a particular property in a particular property configuration.
WMDM_PROP_VALUES_RANGE Describes range of valid values for a particular property in a particular property configuration.
WMDMDATETIME Contains a date and time.
WMDMID Describes serial numbers and group IDs.
WMDMMetadataView Defines the metadata view.
WMDMRIGHTS Describes content-use rights.

See Also