ObjectType Class

The ObjectType class type describes the set of possible object types. Please note that although the APIs may accept any value, these are the valid values for object type.

This class does not need instantiation or initialization because the fields represent constant integer values. These values are intended to be used when constructing XML string parameters used in the Microsoft CRM APIs.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Class ObjectType
   Inherits System.Object
public class ObjectType: System.Object
public __gc class ObjectType: public System.Object

The ObjectType class exposes the following integer fields.

Field Value Description
otAccount 1 Specifies an account object.
otActivity 134 Specifies an activity object.
otActivityMimeAttachment 1001 Specifies an activity MIME attachment object.
otActivityParty 135 Specifies an activity party object.
otAnnotation 5 Specifies an annotation (note) object.
otAnnualFiscalCalendar 2000 Specifies an annual fiscal calendar object.
otAppointmentActivity 142 Specifies an appointment activity object.
otBusinessUnit 10 Specifies a business unit object.
otBusinessUnitNewsArticle 132 Specifies a business unit new article object.
otChatActivity 139 Specifies a chat activity object. [Not supported in this release.]
otCompetitor 123 Specifies a competitor object.
otCompetitorAddress 1004 Specifies a competitor address object.
otCompetitorContact 130 Specifies a competitor contact object.
otCompetitorContactAddress 1005 Specifies a competitor contact address object.
otCompetitorRevenueReport 1007 Specifies a competitor revenue object.
otContact 2 Specifies a contact object.
otContract 1010 Specifies a contract object.
otContractDetail 1011 Specifies a contract detail object.
otContractTemplate 2011 Specifies a contract template object.
otCustomerAddress 1071 Specifies a customer address object.
otDiscount 1013 Specifies a discount object.
otDiscountType 1080 Specifies a discount type object.
otDocumentIndex 126 Specifies a document index object.
otEmailActivity 138 Specifies an e-mail activity object.
otExactDocumentMatch 1014 Specifies an exact document match object. [Not supported in this release.]
otFAQList 128 Specifies a FAQ List object. [Not supported in this release.]
otFaxActivity 136 Specifies a fax activity object.
otFixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar 2004 Specifies a fixed monthly fiscal calendar object.
otIncident 112 Specifies an incident object.
otIncidentEntryActivity 1081 Specifies an incident entry activity object.
otIncidentResolutionActivity 140 Specifies an incident resolution activity object.
otIntegrationStatus 3000 Specifies an integration status object.
otInternalAddress 1003 Specifies an internal address object.
otInvoice 1090 Specifies an invoice object.
otInvoiceDetail 1091 Specifies an invoice detail object.
otKbArticle 127 Specifies a knowledge base article object.
otKbArticleComment 1082 Specifies a knowledge base article comment object.
otKbArticleTemplate 1016 Specifies a knowledge base article template object.
otLead 4 Specifies a lead object.
otLeadAddress 1017 Specifies a lead address object.
otLetterActivity 141 Specifies a letter activity object.
otLightweightContact 131 Specifies a lightweight contact object. [Not supported in this release.]
otLWContact 2012 Specifies a lightweight contact object. [Not supported in this release.]
otMailingList 2014 Specifies a mailing list object.
otMonthlyFiscalCalendar 2003 Specifies a monthly fiscal calendar object.
otNone 0 Specifies no object.
otOpportunity 3 Specifies an opportunity object.
otOpportunityCloseActivity 145 Specifies an opportunity close activity object.
otOpportunityProduct 1083 Specifies an opportunity product object.
otOrderCloseActivity 147 Specifies an order close activity object.
otOrganization 1019 Specifies an organization object.
otOrganizationUI 1021 Specifies an organization UI object.
otPhoneCallActivity 137 Specifies a phone call activity object.
otPriceLevel 1022 Specifies a price level object.
otPrivilege 1023 Specifies a privilege object.
otProduct 1024 Specifies a product object.
otProductPriceLevel 1026 Specifies a product price level object.
otQuarterlyFiscalCalendar 2002 Specifies a quarterly fiscal calendar object.
otQueue 2020 Specifies a queue object.
otQueueItem 2029 Specifies a queue item object.
otQuote 1084 Specifies a quote object.
otQuoteCloseActivity 146 Specifies a quote close activity object.
otQuoteDetail 1085 Specifies a quote detail object.
otRole 1036 Specifies a role object.
otRoleTemplate 1037 Specifies a role template object.
otSalesLiterature 1038 Specifies a sales literature object.
otSalesLiteratureItem 1070 Specifies a sales literature item object.
otSalesOrder 1088 Specifies a sales order object.
otSalesOrderDetail 1089 Specifies a sales order detail object.
otSavedQuery 1039 Specifies a saved query object.
otSavedQueryHeaders 0 Specifies a saved query headers object.
otSearchCriterion 1040 Specifies a search criterion object. [Not supported in this release.]
otSearchLog 1041 Specifies a search log object. [Not supported in this release.]
otSemiAnnualFiscalCalendar 2001 Specifies a semi-annual fiscal calendar object.
otSubject 129 Specifies a subject object.
otSubscription 0 Specifies a subscription object.
otSuggestedExactMatch 1044 Specifies a suggested exact match object. [Not supported in this release.]
otSuggestedSearchCriterion 1045 Specifies a suggested search criterion object. [Not supported in this release.]
otSyncEntry 0 Specifies a sync entry object.
otSystemUser 8 Specifies a system user object.
otTeam 9 Specifies a team object.
otTemplate 2010 Specifies a template object.
otTerritory 2013 Specifies a territory object.
otTrackedItemHistory 2028 Specifies a tracked item history object.
otUnit 1054 Specifies a unit object. [Not supported in this release.]
otUoM 1055 Specifies a unit of measure object.
otUoMSchedule 1056 Specifies a unit of measure schedule object.
otUserFiscalCalendar 1086 Specifies a user fiscal calendar object.
otUserSettings 150 Specifies a user settings object.
otWFAction 1061 Specifies a workflow action object.
otWFActionLog 1062 Specifies a workflow action log object.
otWFCondition 1064 Specifies a workflow condition object.
otWFEventLog 1065 Specifies a workflow event log object.
otWFParameter 1066 Specifies a workflow parameter object.
otWFProcess 121 Specifies a workflow process object.
otWFProcessInstance 122 Specifies a workflow process instance object.
otWFRule 1067 Specifies a workflow rule object.
otWFRuleLog 1068 Specifies a workflow rule log object.
otWFStep 1069 Specifies a workflow step object.


Namespace: Microsoft.CRM.Flags

Assembly: microsoft.crm.proxy.dll

See Also

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