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Address.Subdivision Property

Address.Subdivision Property

The subdivision name within the country or region for an address. This element is also commonly treated as the first order administrative subdivision, but in some cases it is the second, third, or fourth order subdivision within a country, dependency, or region.

Public Dim Subdivision As System.String


public System.String Subdivision;


  • The bold portion of the following address is the Subdivision property:

    "1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, United States"

  • Examples of Subdivisions include: administrative division, Bundesstaat, Canton, federal district, province, region, state, and territory.

  • Maximum string size is 49 characters.


[Visual Basic]

'Set up the Address object and the specification object
Dim myAddress As New Address()
myAddress.AddressLine = "1 Microsoft Way"
myAddress.PrimaryCity = "Redmond"
myAddress.Subdivision = "WA"
myAddress.PostalCode = "98052"
myAddress.CountryRegion = "US"

Dim findAddressSpec As New FindAddressSpecification()
findAddressSpec.InputAddress = myAddress
findAddressSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA"

'Declare the return variable and find the address
Dim foundAddressResults As FindResults
foundAddressResults = findService.FindAddress(findAddressSpec)
If (foundAddressResults.NumberFound = 1) Then
 Console.WriteLine("Zero or multiple results found")
End If


//Set up the Address object and the specification object
Address myAddress =  new Address();
myAddress.AddressLine = "1 Microsoft Way";
myAddress.PrimaryCity = "Redmond";
myAddress.Subdivision = "WA";
myAddress.PostalCode = "98052";
myAddress.CountryRegion = "US";

FindAddressSpecification findAddressSpec = new FindAddressSpecification();
findAddressSpec.InputAddress = myAddress;
findAddressSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA";

//Declare the return variable and find the address
FindResults foundAddressResults;
foundAddressResults = findService.FindAddress(findAddressSpec);
if (foundAddressResults.NumberFound == 1) 
 Console.WriteLine("Zero or multiple results found");

See Also

  Address Class