Polygon Class

Polygon Class

Defines a polygon data type to be rendered on a map. An array of Polygon objects is used by the MapSpecification.Polygons property.

Public Class Polygon Inherits System.Object

public class Polygon : System.Object

Public Constructors

Name Description
public constructorPolygon Constructor Initializes a new instance of the Polygon class.

Public Properties

Name Description
public propertyDataSourceName

A string representing the name of the data source (DataSource.Name property) that contains the polygon.

public propertyEntityID

An integer representing the entity ID for the polygon.

public propertyBorderColor

An ElementColor object defining the color and level of transparency that is used when drawing the outside border of the polygon.

public propertyFillColor

An ElementColor object defining the color and level of transparency that is used when shading the polygon.

public propertyLabel

The text to display when rendering the polygon.


[Visual Basic]

'Create an array of Polygon objects. For each Polygon object,
'set the DataSourceName, EntityID, BorderColor, and FillColor properties.
Dim fillColor As New ElementColor
fillColor.A = Convert.ToByte(txtFillAlpha.Text)
fillColor.B = Convert.ToByte(txtFillBlue.Text)
fillColor.G = Convert.ToByte(txtFillGreen.Text)
fillColor.R = Convert.ToByte(txtFillRed.Text)

Dim lineColor As New ElementColor
lineColor.A = Convert.ToByte(txtLineAlpha.Text)
lineColor.B = Convert.ToByte(txtLineBlue.Text)
lineColor.G = Convert.ToByte(txtLineGreen.Text)
lineColor.R = Convert.ToByte(txtLineRed.Text)

Dim poly As New Polygon
poly.DataSourceName = "MyDataSource"
poly.EntityID = "MyEntityID"
poly.BorderColor = lineColor
poly.FillColor = fillColor

' Set the MapSpecification.Polygons property to the polygon array.
spec.Polygons(1) = New Polygon
spec.Polygons(0) = poly

'Call the RenderServiceSoap.GetMap method.
Dim mi() As New MapImage
mi = render.GetMap(spec)
pictMap.Image = New Bitmap(New System.IO.MemoryStream(mi(0).MimeData.Bits))


//Display a polygon on a map
MapSpecification spec = new MapSpecification();
spec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA";
spec.Views = views;
spec.Options = mo;

//Create an array of Polygon objects. For each Polygon object,
//set the DataSourceName, EntityID, BorderColor, and FillColor properties.
MapPointColor fillColor = new ElementColor();

MapPointColor lineColor = new ElementColor();

Polygon poly = new Polygon();
poly.DataSourceName = "MyDataSource"; 
poly.EntityID = "MyEntityID";

// Set the MapSpecification.Polygons property to the polygon array.
spec.Polygons = new Polygon[1];
spec.Polygons[0] = poly;

//Call the RenderServiceSoap.GetMap method.
MapImage[] mi = render.GetMap(spec);
pictMap.Image = new Bitmap(new System.IO.MemoryStream(mi[0].MimeData.Bits));

See Also

  MapSpecification.Polygons property   |   Working with Polygons