LocationServiceSoap Members

LocationServiceSoap Overview

Public Methods

public method GetPositions Returns user's or contact's positions synchronously as an instance of the PositionResults class.
Returns PositionResults.
public method GetPositionsAsync Returns user's or contact's positions asynchronously. This method is an asynchronous version of the GetPositions method. However, you must call the GetPositionsAsyncResults method to complete the process of getting positions.
Returns System.string.
public method GetPositionsAsyncResults Completes the asynchronous request invoked by the GetPositionsAsync method. This method returns the positions that correspond to the domain and alias pairs as an instance of the PositionResults class. This method must be called with a valid token obtained by calling the GetPositionsAsync method.
Returns LocationServiceSoap.PositionResults.
public method GetNearbyCategories Gets Find Nearby categories based on the current user's (the original submitter of the request) culture.
Returns LocationServiceSoap.FindNearbyCategory[].
public method GetVisibility Gets the status for the current user's (the original submitter of the request) Visible property.
Returns System.Boolean.
public method SetVisibility Sets the status for the current user's (the original submitter of the request) Visible property.
Returns System.Void.
public method GetNewContactNotification Gets the value of the NotifyOnNewContact property for the current locatable user.
Returns System.Boolean.
public method SetNewContactNotification Sets the value of the notify on contact option for the current user.
Returns System.Void.
public method GetDefaultCulture Returns the default culture for the current user in string format; for example: "en-US" for English, United States.
Returns System.String.
public method SetDefaultCulture Sets the default culture for the current user.
Returns System.Void.
public method GetUserInfo Returns the current user's information as an instance of the LocatableUser class.
Returns LocationServiceSoap.LocatableUser.
public method AddContact Adds a contact to the list of contacts for the current user.
Returns LocationServiceSoap.LocatableContact.
public method UpdateContact Updates the specified contact in the contact list of the current user (the original submitter of the request).
Returns LocationServiceSoap.LocatableContact.
public method DeleteContact Deletes the specified contact entry from the list of contacts for the current user.
Returns System.Void.
public method FindProvisionedUser Allows partial input of the LocatableUser object properties or an e-mail address of a user to search the provisioned users on the location server and returns contact information as an array of LocatableContact class instances.
Returns LocationServiceSoap.LocatableContact[].
public method GetContacts Returns a list of contacts for the current user as an array of LocatableContact objects.
Returns LocationServiceSoap.LocatableContact[].

Public Fields

public property ClientIdHeaderValue Reserved for future use. Not used with MapPoint Location Server 1.0. LocationServiceSoap.ClientIdHeader
public property UserInfoLocationHeaderValue An optional SOAP header that can be used to set the culture information for the service requests. MapPoint Location Server returns results appropriate to the culture set for this field. This field is of type UserInfoLocationHeader class. LocationServiceSoap.UserInfoLocationHeader

See Also

LocationServiceSoap Class