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CrmService.Retrieve Method

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Retrieves an entity instance using the specified ID.


[Visual Basic]
Public Function Retrieve(
  ByVal entityName As String,
  ByVal id As Guid,
  ByVal columnSet As ColumnSetBase
) As BusinessEntity

public BusinessEntity Retrieve(
  string  entityName,
  Guid  id,
  ColumnSetBase  columnSet

public function Retrieve(
  entityName : String,
  id : Guid,
  columnSet : ColumnSetBase
) : BusinessEntity;



Specifies the name of entity to retrieve. See Entity Names.


Specifies the ID of the entity to retrieve.


Specifies the set of columns to retrieve. Pass null to retrieve only the primary key. To retrieve all columns, pass a new instance of the AllColumns class. See ColumnSetBase.

Return Value

Returns the BusinessEntity requested. The BusinessEntity contains only the columns specified by the columnSet parameter. The entity is of the type specified by the entityName parameter.


Use this method to retrieve an instance of a Microsoft CRM entity.

To perform this action, the caller must have the Read privilege to the entity type being retrieved and access rights on the entity instance specified in the request class.


The following example demonstrates the use of the Retrieve method.

// Set up the CRM Service.
CrmService service = new CrmService();
service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

// Create the column set object that indicates the fields to be retrieved.
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet();

// Set the properties of the column set.
cols.Attributes = new string [] {"fullname"};

// contactGuid is the GUID of the record being retrieved.
Guid contactGuid = new Guid("4D507FFE-ED25-447B-80DE-00AE3EB18B84");

// Retrieve the contact.
// The EntityName indicates the EntityType of the object being retrieved.
contact contact = (contact)service.Retrieve(, contactGuid, cols);

[Visual Basic .NET]
' Set up the CRM Service.
Dim service As New CrmService()
service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

' Create the column set object that indicates the fields to be retrieved.
Dim cols As New ColumnSet()

' Set the column set properties.
cols.Attributes = New String() {"fullname"}

' contactGuid is the GUID of the record being retrieved.
Guid contactGuid = new Guid("4D507FFE-ED25-447B-80DE-00AE3EB18B84");

' Retrieve the contact.
' The EntityName indicates the EntityType of the object being retrieved.
Dim contact As contact = CType(service.Retrieve(, contactGuid, cols), contact)

See Also

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