ToolBarButton Structure

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Defines a button on a toolbar.

The ToolBarButton structure exposes the following members.

Instance Property Description
AccessHotKey Gets or sets the value that specifies the Windows hot key, or keyboard shortcut, that will activate the button.
AvailableOffline Gets or sets a value that specifies if the button does not depend on the user being connected to the organization's network.
Icon Gets or sets a value that contains the URL of an icon image that is to be displayed next to the button title.
JScript Gets or sets a value that defines the JScript code to run when the user navigates to the button.
PassParameters Gets or sets a value that indicates if the object type and object ID parameters are to be passed in the URL.
SupportedClients Gets or sets a value that determines what Microsoft CRM clients the button should be available in.
Title Gets or sets a value that defines a title for the button.
ToolTip Gets or sets a value that specifies the ToolTip that appears for the button.
Url Gets or sets the URL to load when the user clicks the button.
ValideForCreate Gets or sets a value that specifies that the button should be displayed on the "Create" (New) entity form.
ValidForUpdate Gets or sets a value that specifies that the button should be displayed on the "Update" entity form.
WindowLaunchMode Gets or sets a value that determines what type of new window should be opened when the user selects the button.
WindowParameters Gets or sets a value that defines standard window parameters for a window that is to be opened.


Defines a button on a toolbar.


Namespace: Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.IsvReadiness.SupportingItems.IsvConfig

See Also

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