ISearchCatalogManager Interface

Provides methods to manage a search catalog for purposes such as re-indexing or setting timeouts.

ISearchCatalogManager Members

EnumerateExcludedExtensions Not implemented.
get_ConnectTimeout Gets the connection time-out value for connecting to a store for indexing.
get_DataTimeout Gets the data time-out value, in seconds, for data transactions between the indexer and the search filter host. This value is contained in a TIMEOUT_INFO structure.
get_DiacriticSensitivity Gets a value that indicates whether the catalog is sensitive to diacritics. A diacritic is a mark added to a letter to idicate a special phonetic value or pronunciation.
get_Name Gets the name of the current catalog.
GetCatalogStatus Gets the status of the catalog.
GetCrawlScopeManager Gets an ISearchCrawlScopeManager interface for this search catalog.
GetItemsChangedSink Gets the change notification sink interface.
GetParameter Not implemented.
GetPersistentItemsChangedSink Gets the change notification event sink interface for a client. This method is used by client applications and protocol handlers to notify the indexer of changes.
GetQueryHelper Gets the ISearchQueryHelper interface for the current catalog.
GetURLIndexingState Not implemented.
NumberOfItems Gets the number of items in the catalog.
NumberOfItemsToIndex Gets the number of items to be indexed within the catalog.
put_ConnectTimeout Sets the connection time-out value in the TIMEOUT_INFO structure, in seconds.
put_DataTimeout Sets the time-out value for data transactions between the indexer and the search filter host. This information is stored in the TIMEOUT_INFO structure and is measured in seconds.
put_DiacriticSensitivity Sets a value that determines whether the catalog is sensitive to diacritics. A diacritic is a mark added to a letter to idicate a special phonetic value or pronunciation.
RegisterViewForNotification Not implemented.
Reindex Re-indexes all URLs in the catalog.
ReindexMatchingURLs Reindexes all items that match the provided pattern. This method was not implemented prior to Windows 7.
ReindexSearchRoot Re-indexes all URLs from a specified root.
Reset Resets the underlying catalog by rebuilding the databases and performing a full indexing.
SetExtensionClusion Not implemented.
SetParameter Sets a name/value parameter for the catalog.
UnregisterViewForNotification Not implemented.
URLBeingIndexed Gets the URL that is currently being indexed. If no indexing is currently in process, pszUrl is set to NULL.

Interface Information

Inherits from IUnknown
Header and IDL files searchapi.h, searchcatalog.idl
Minimum operating systems Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) with Windows Desktop Search (WDS) 3.0, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) with Windows Desktop Search (WDS) 3.0, Windows Vista

See Also

The Indexing Process