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ResourceErrorActionResult Constructor (HttpException, ContentType)


Initializes a new instance of the ResourceErrorActionResult class Sends back a response using the status code in the HttpException. The response body contains a details serialized in the responseFormat. If the HttpException.Data has a key named "details", its value is used as the response body. If there is no such key, HttpException.ToString() is used as the response body.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Web.Mvc.Resources
Assembly:  Microsoft.Web.Mvc (in Microsoft.Web.Mvc.dll)


public ResourceErrorActionResult(
    HttpException httpException,
    ContentType responseFormat
    HttpException^ httpException,
    ContentType^ responseFormat
new : 
        httpException:HttpException *
        responseFormat:ContentType -> ResourceErrorActionResult
Public Sub New (
    httpException As HttpException,
    responseFormat As ContentType


See Also

ResourceErrorActionResult Class
Microsoft.Web.Mvc.Resources Namespace

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