ModelMetadata.GetSimpleDisplayText Method ()


Returns the simple description of the model.

Namespace:   System.Web.Mvc
Assembly:  System.Web.Mvc (in System.Web.Mvc.dll)


protected virtual string GetSimpleDisplayText()
virtual String^ GetSimpleDisplayText()
abstract GetSimpleDisplayText : unit -> string
override GetSimpleDisplayText : unit -> string
Protected Overridable Function GetSimpleDisplayText As String

Return Value

Type: System.String

The simple description of the model.


This method is used to retrieve text to display as an alternative to the description of a complex object. If no value is specified for the SimpleDisplayText property, the value that is returned by this method follows these rules:

  • If the model is null, the method returns the value of the NullDisplayText property.

  • If the type has overridden the ToString method, the method returns the value that is returned by the method override.

  • If the model has no properties, the method returns an empty string.

  • If the model’s first property is null, the method returns that property’s NullDisplayText value.

  • Otherwise, the method returns the model’s first property’s string value.

See Also

ModelMetadata Class
System.Web.Mvc Namespace

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