Use the splitter control

Azure DevOps Services

This article explains the splitter control and how to use it in your code.


For more information, see Formula Design System, and API Reference

Splitter enhancement

It's more convenient, than using other controls, to instantiate the splitter control on existing markup, as the splitter is a container control. Otherwise, it's hard to fill the left and right panes programmatically.

There's an enhancement, which converts existing HTML to a control. It's similar to what Controls.create does, but instead of creating a new DOM element and associating it with the control, the enhancement uses an existing element in the DOM tree.

The following example shows typical usage of the splitter control.

	<button id="expand">Expand</button>
	<button id="collapse">Collapse</button>
	<div class="my-splitter horizontal splitter">
		<div class="leftPane">
			Left pane content
		<div class="handleBar"></div>
		<div class="rightPane">
			Right pane content
	.my-splitter {
		margin: 10px;
		border: 5px solid gray;
		height: 400px;	

The following example shows how to use enhance(...) instead of Controls.create.

	import Controls = require("VSS/Controls");
	import Splitter = require("VSS/Controls/Splitter");
	var splitter = <Splitter.Splitter>Controls.Enhancement.enhance(Splitter.Splitter, $(".my-splitter"));
	$("#expand").click(()=> { splitter.expand(); });
	$("#collapse").click(()=> { splitter.collapse(); });

Splitter toggle button via enhancement

In the previous example, the #expand and #collapse buttons are used to expand or collapse the splitter control. However, the splitter control can include a built-in toggle to expand or collapse the splitter and provide a label for the collapsed pane.

Using the Controls.create(...) method of the splitter creation, the toggle can be included using the enableToggleButton field on the options object. However, this facility isn't available when using the Controls.Enhancement.enhance(...) method. As a work-around, you should include HTML, to which the enhance(...) method can attach appropriate styles and JavaScript handlers.

    <div class="my-splitter horizontal splitter toggle-button-enabled">
		<div class="leftPane">
			Left pane content
		<div class="handleBar">
            <div class="handlebar-label" title="Pane Title">
                <span class="handlebar-label-text">Pane Title</span>
		<div class="rightPane">
			Right pane content

By including this HTML structure in your code, you have the splitter control with an integrated toggle button and when it's collapsed, a label on the collapsed pane.