Use the wait control

This page shows different samples about the wait control.

Go to API Reference for more details.


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Start and end

This sample shows basic start and end operations for the wait control.

  import Controls = require("VSS/Controls");
  import StatusIndicator = require("VSS/Controls/StatusIndicator");

  var container = $(".sample-container");

  var waitControlOptions: StatusIndicator.IWaitControlOptions = {
    target: $("#target"),
    cancellable: true
  var waitControl = Controls.create(StatusIndicator.WaitControl, container, waitControlOptions);
  // Start operation when the start button is clicked
  $("#start").click(function() { waitControl.startWait(); });
  // End operation when the end button is clicked
  $("#end").click(function() { waitControl.endWait(); });

Long running operation

This sample shows a cancellable long running operation which simulates 10 steps. This operation can be cancelled at any time using cancel link or ESC key.

  import Controls = require("VSS/Controls");
  import StatusIndicator = require("VSS/Controls/StatusIndicator");

  var container = $(".sample-container");

  var waitControlOptions: StatusIndicator.IWaitControlOptions = {
    target: $("#target"),
    cancellable: true,
    cancelTextFormat: "{0} to cancel",
    cancelCallback: function() {
  var opCount: number;
  var currentOp: number;
  function nextOp() {
    currentOp += 1;
    // Check the operation is cancelled
    if (!waitControl.isCancelled()) {
      if (currentOp <= opCount) {
        var message = `Processing ${currentOp} of ${opCount}`;
          window.setTimeout(nextOp, Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5000));
      } else {

  // Operation starts when long-op button is clicked
  $("#long-op").click(function() {
    opCount = 10;
    currentOp = 0;