IPoolManager Members

Interface for performing operations on Azure Batch pools.

The following tables list the members exposed by the IPoolManager type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property CustomBehaviors  This collection is initially populated by instantiation or by copying from the instantiating parent object (inheritance). In this model, the collections are independent but the members are shared references. Members of this collection alter or customize various behaviors of Azure Batch Service client objects. These behaviors are generally inherited by any child class instances. Modifications are applied in the order of the collection. The last write wins. This collection is not threadsafe for modifications but is threadsafe for reads. (Inherited from IInheritedBehaviors)


Public Methods

  Name Description
public method ChangeOSVersion Blocking call to change the target operating system version of a pool.
public method ChangeOSVersionAsync Begins an asyncrhonous call to change the target operating system version of a pool.
public method CreatePool Instantiates an unbound ICloudPool object to be populated by the caller and used to create a pool in the Azure Batch Service.
public method CreateUser Instantiates an unbound IUser object to be populated by the caller and used to create a user account on a vm in the Azure Batch Service.
public method DeletePool Blocking call to delete the specified Pool.
public method DeletePoolAsync Begins an asynchronous call to delete the specifed Pool.
public method DeleteUser Blocking call to delete the specified user.
public method DeleteUserAsync Begins an asynchronous call to delete the specified user.
public method DeleteVMFile Blocking call to delete the specified VM file.
public method DeleteVMFileAsync Begins an asynchronous call to delete the specified VM file.
public method DisableAutoScale Blocking call to disable automatic scaling on the pool specified.
public method DisableAutoScaleAsync Begins an asynchronous call to disable automatic scaling on the pool specified.
public method EnableAutoScale Blocking call to enable automatic scaling on the pool specified.
public method EnableAutoScaleAsync Begins asynchonous call to enable automatic scaling on the pool specified.
public method EvaluateAutoScale Blocking call to evaluate (test-run) an autoscale formula on the given pool. It does not change any state of the pool and it does not affect the last modified time or ETag of the pool.
public method EvaluateAutoScaleAsync Begins an asynchronous call to evaluate (test-run) an autoscale formula on the given pool. It does not change any state of the pool and it does not affect the last modified time or ETag of the pool.
public method GetAccountPoolStatistics Blocking call to get aggregated statistics for all pools.
public method GetAccountPoolStatisticsAsync Begins an asynchronous call to get aggregated statistics for all pools.
public method GetJobPreparationTaskStatus Blocking call to get the execution information status of the specified job preparation task.
public method GetJobPreparationTaskStatusAsync Begins an asynchonous call to get the execution information status of the specified job preparation task.
public method GetJobReleaseTaskStatus Blocking call to get the execution information status of the specified job release task.
public method GetJobReleaseTaskStatusAsync Begins an asynchonous call to get the execution information status of the specified job release task.
public method GetPool Begins an asynchronous call to open a bound Pool object on the specified pool.
public method GetPoolAsync Begins an asynchronous call to open a bound IPool object on the specified pool.
public method GetRDPFile Overloaded.  
public method GetRDPFileAsync Overloaded.  
public method GetVM Blocking call to get the specified VM.
public method GetVMAsync Begins asynchronous call to get the specified VM.
public method GetVMFile Blocking call to get the specified vm file.
public method GetVMFileAsync Begins an asynchronous request to get the specified vm file.
public method ListPools Exposes synchronous and asynchronous enumeration of Pools.
public method ListVMFiles Exposes synchronous and asynchronous enumeration of the files for the vm.
public method ListVMs Exposes synchronous and asynchronous enumeration of the VMs in the given Pool.
public method Reboot Blocking call to reboot the specified vm.
public method RebootAsync Begins an asynchronous call to reboot the specified vm.
public method Reimage Blocking call to reimage the specified vm.
public method ReimageAsync Begins an asynchronous call to reimage the specified vm.
public method RemoveFromPool Overloaded.  
public method RemoveFromPoolAsync Overloaded.  
public method ResizePool Blocking call to begin a pool resize operation.
public method ResizePoolAsync Begins an asynchronous call to begin a pool resize operation.
public method StopResizePool Blocking call to stop a pool resize operation.
public method StopResizePoolAsync Begins asynchronous call to stop a pool resize operation.


See Also


IPoolManager Interface
Microsoft.Azure.Batch Namespace