Release Notes for Service Bus 1.0

The following release notes contain known issues and late-breaking information about the Service Bus for Windows Server (Service Bus 1.0) release.

New in this release

  • New default HTTP Port for the Service Bus for Windows Server: the default HTTP port used by the Service Bus for Windows Server has been changed to 9355 (from 4446). Make sure to modify your applications accordingly.

  • New helper class to build a Service Bus connection string: The Windows Azure SDK 1.7 introduced a way to connect to the Service Bus using connection strings. In order to match the cloud API, this release includes a new class to help build the Service Bus connection string. For more information, see see the Developing an Application section.

  • New format for the Service Bus connection string: In order to connect to the Service Bus (either cloud or on-premises), use the connection string in a configuration file similar to the API in the Windows Azure SDK. For more information, see see the Developing an Application section.

  • The Service Bus for Windows Server PowerShell cmdlets now use connection strings to configure databases. For more information, see the Service Bus for Windows Server PowerShell cmdlets reference

  • The Service Bus for Windows Server now has a configuration wizard. You can use the Service Bus for Windows Server configuration wizard to perform basic operations, such as creating a farm and joining and leaving existing farms.

  • The Service Bus for Windows Server now has support for SQL Authentication in addition to Windows Authentication.

  • You can now host the Service Bus for Windows Server in a Windows Azure VM (IaaS) using SQL Server or SQL Database.

  • A new System Center Management pack is now available for downloading.

Known Issues

  • Before installing the Service Bus for Windows Server, please ensure that the FabricConfigFileName environment variable is not present. Otherwise, setup may fail.

  • You must ensure that your computer does not have an earlier version of Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

  • If you run the Add-SBHost or Remove-SBHost PowerShell cmdlets when the farm is in a stopped state (after running Stop-SBFarm), the farm is automatically restarted.

  • When SQL Server is configured with shared memory, the Service Bus for Windows Server works only on workgroup machines. For domain-joined machines, SQL Server must use TCP/IP or named pipes. In addition, the SQL Browser Agent must be started.

  • Different users logged onto different machines cannot join their machines to the same farm even if both users have rights to the SQL server.

  • If the ServiceBus.config file is present anywhere on the .NET configuration path, you must delete this file before installing or configuring the Service Bus for Windows Server. The Service Bus for Windows Server will encounter runtime failures if the file is present. This is a configuration requirement.

  • When you create a new service namespace, it is not immediately active. If you use a script to create a service namespace, you can expect a delay of approximately 30 seconds before you are able to create entities in that newly-created service namespace. Conversely, when you delete a service namespace, the deletion takes a few minutes to complete. Until it does, if you try to create a service namespace with the same name, it will fail.

  • When the password of the RunAs account is invalid (for example, it has been changed), all subsequent requests to that gateway will fail with a UnauthorizedAccessException. To resolve this issue, call the Update-SBHost cmdlet and provide a new password.

  • If you try to access a service namespace that does not exist, a URI format exception is generated (specifically, a ArgumentException).

  • When you add a service namespace, any existing connections are aborted, and a MessagingCommunicationException is generated.

  • When there is port contention, the Add-SBhost cmdlet fails with a critical error, and the gateway service crashes and recycles continuously. To resolve this issue, restart the node.

  • For certificates, CA must be installed in the user root store.

Build Date:
