Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models Namespace



Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkListResponse.AddressSpace

System_CAPS_pubclass AddRouteTableToSubnetParameters

System_CAPS_pubclass AGHttpListener

System_CAPS_pubclass ApplicationGatewayCertificate

Parameters supplied to AddApplicationGatewayCertificate

System_CAPS_pubclass ApplicationGatewayGetCertificate

Response of GetApplicationGatewayCertificate request.

System_CAPS_pubclass ApplicationGatewayGetConfiguration

The response to a GetApplicationGatewayConfiguation request.

System_CAPS_pubclass ApplicationGatewayGetResponse

The response body contains details of the application gateway.

System_CAPS_pubclass ApplicationGatewayListCertificate

The response to a ListApplicationGatewayCertificate request.

System_CAPS_pubclass ApplicationGatewayListResponse

The response of ListApplicationGateways request.

System_CAPS_pubclass ApplicationGatewayOperation

The operation to be executed on application gateway.

System_CAPS_pubclass ApplicationGatewayOperationResponse

The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP status code for the failed request, and also includes error information regarding the failure.

System_CAPS_pubclass ApplicationGatewaySetConfiguration

The parameters supplied to a SetApplicationGatewayConfiguation request.

System_CAPS_pubclass BackendAddressPool

Collection of backend servers

System_CAPS_pubclass BackendHttpSettings

Backend HTTP settings

System_CAPS_pubclass BackendServer

backend server

System_CAPS_pubclass ClientRootCertificateListResponse.ClientRootCertificate

System_CAPS_pubclass ClientRootCertificateCreateParameters

System_CAPS_pubclass ClientRootCertificateGetResponse

Response to the Get Client Root Certificate operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass ClientRootCertificateListResponse

The response for the List Client Root Certificates operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkListResponse.Connection

Specifies the type of connection of the local network site. The value of this element can be either IPsec or Dedicated. The default value is IPsec.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreateApplicationGatewayParameters

The parameters of a create application gateway request.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreateRouteTableParameters

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkListResponse.DnsServer

System_CAPS_pubclass EncryptionType

System_CAPS_pubclass ApplicationGatewayOperationResponse.ErrorDetails

If the asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP status code for the failed request, and also includes error information regarding the failure.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse.ErrorDetails

If the asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP status code for the failed request, and also includes error information regarding the failure.

System_CAPS_pubclass FrontendIPConfiguration

Frontend IP

System_CAPS_pubclass FrontendPort

Front end port

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkListResponse.Gateway

Contains gateway references to the local network sites that the virtual network can connect to.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters

The parameters for the Connect, Disconnect, or Test request

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayListConnectionsResponse.GatewayConnection

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayCreateParameters

Parameters supplied to the Create Virtual Network Gateway operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayDefaultSite

A site that has a default route.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayDiagnosticsStatus

The status of a gateway diagnostics operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayEvent

A management event for the virtual network gateway.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters

The parameters to the Generate VPN Client Package request.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters

The vendor, platform, and OS family of the requested device configuration script.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptResponse

The configuration script returned from the get device configuration script operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayGetIPsecParametersResponse

The response that will be returned from a GetIPsecParameters request. This contains the IPsec parameters for the specified connection.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse

The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP status code for the failed request, and also includes error information regarding the failure.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayGetResponse

A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request ID.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayGetSharedKeyResponse

The response to the get shared key request.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayListConnectionsResponse

The response to a ListConnections request to a Virtual Network Gateway.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse

The response to the list supported devices request.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayOperationResponse

A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request ID.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayProfile

Possible values for the Gateway Profile.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayProvisioningEventStates

Standard states for Virtual Network Gateway Provisioning Events.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters

The length of shared key to generate.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewaySetDefaultSiteListParameters

The parameters for SetDefaultSites.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters

The IPsec parameters to set for the connection.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters

The shared key value to set for the connection.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewaySKU

The different SKUs that a gateway can have.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayType

System_CAPS_pubclass GetRouteTableForSubnetResponse

A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request ID.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetRouteTableResponse

A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request ID.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpLoadBalancingRule

System_CAPS_pubclass IPsecParameters

System_CAPS_pubclass ListRouteTablesResponse

A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request ID.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocalNetworkConnectionType

Possible values for the Local Network Connection Type.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkListResponse.LocalNetworkSite

Contains the list of parameters defining the local network site.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkGetConfigurationResponse

The Get Network Configuration operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkListResponse

The response structure for the Network Operations List operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters

Parameters supplied to the Create Reserved IP operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkReservedIPGetResponse

A reserved IP associated with your subscription.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkReservedIPListResponse

The response structure for the Server List operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkSecurityGroup

A Network Security Group associated with your subscription.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkSecurityGroupActionType

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkSecurityGroupAddToSubnetParameters

Parameters supplied to the Add Network Security Group to subnet operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkSecurityGroupCreateParameters

Parameters supplied to the Create Network Security Group operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkSecurityGroupGetDetailLevelTypes

Specifies the detail level when getting a Network Security Group.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkSecurityGroupGetForSubnetResponse

The Network Security Group associated with a subnet.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkSecurityGroupGetResponse

A Network Security Group associated with your subscription.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkSecurityGroupListResponse

The List Definitions operation response.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkSecurityRule

A Network Security Rule within a Network Security Group.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkSecuritySetRuleParameters

Parameters supplied to the Set Network Security Rule operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkSetConfigurationParameters

Parameters supplied to the Set Network Configuration operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkStaticIPAvailabilityResponse

A response that indicates the availability of a static IP address, and if not, provides a list of suggestions.

System_CAPS_pubclass NextHop

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.OSFamily

System_CAPS_pubclass PfsGroup

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Platform

The name and supported OS families for this vendor on the platform.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP

A reserved IP associated with your subscription.

System_CAPS_pubclass ReservedIPState

System_CAPS_pubclass ResetGatewayParameters

System_CAPS_pubclass ResizeGatewayParameters

System_CAPS_pubclass Route

System_CAPS_pubclass RouteTable

System_CAPS_pubclass RuleType

System_CAPS_pubclass SetRouteParameters

System_CAPS_pubclass StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters

Parameters supplied to the Start Public Diagnostics operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass StopGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters

Parameters supplied to the Start Public Diagnostics operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkListResponse.Subnet

System_CAPS_pubclass UpdateApplicationGatewayParameters

The update parameters for application gateway.

System_CAPS_pubclass GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Vendor

The name and supported platforms for the vendor.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite

Contains the collections of parameters used to configure a virtual network space that is dedicated to your subscription without overlapping with other networks

System_CAPS_pubclass VirtualNetworkState

Possible values for the Virtual Network State.

System_CAPS_pubclass NetworkListResponse.VPNClientAddressPool

The VPN Client Address Pool reserves a pool of IP addresses for VPN clients. This object is used for point-to-site connectivity.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum AsyncOperationStatus

The status of the async operation

System_CAPS_pubenum GatewayConnectionUpdateOperation

Specifies the operation to perform on the connection. Can be set to Connect, Disconnect, or Test to connect to a local network, disconnect from a local network, or test the gateway's connection to a local network site.

System_CAPS_pubenum GatewayConnectivityState

System_CAPS_pubenum GatewayDiagnosticsState

Standard states for Virtual Network Gateway Diagnostics Events.

System_CAPS_pubenum GatewayOperationStatus

The status of the asynchronous request.

System_CAPS_pubenum GatewayProcessorArchitecture

The processor architecture for the generated VPN client package.

System_CAPS_pubenum Protocol

The protocol used to talk to Backend Servers

System_CAPS_pubenum RouteState

System_CAPS_pubenum RouteTableState

System_CAPS_pubenum UpdateGatewayOperation

System_CAPS_pubenum UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnosticsOperation

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