Track asynchronous refresh operations



It tracks refresh container operations whose response header location has the following URL.

Method Request URI HTTP Version
POST https://<VaultUrl>/backupFabrics/{fabricName}/operationresults/{operationid}?api-version=<api-version> HTTP/1.1

Request Header:

Field Description
x-ms-version Specifies the version of the operation to use for this request. E.g. 1.0
x-ms-client-request-id Unique identifier for the request e.g. a GUID value. If the caller provides this header, the service log this with their traces to facilitate tracing a single request. If specified, this is included in response information as a way to map the request.
Content-Type Set to application/json. This header is not sent in requests that don’t have any content, such as all GET calls.
Accept-Language Specifies the preferred language for the response; all RPs should use this header when generating error messages or client-facing text.
Referer Set to the full URI that the client connected to (which will be different than the RP URI, since it will have the public hostname instead of the RP hostname). This value can be used in generating FQDN for Location headers or other requests since RPs should not reference their endpoint names.

Request Body:



The response includes an HTTP status code, Common GET response headers, and a response body.

Response header:

Field Description
Content-Type Set to application/json. This header is not required in responses that don't have any content.
Date The date that the request was processed in RFC 1123 format.
x-ms-request-id Unique request id which can identify the request made to ASR. If a failure occurs that requires the user to contact Microsoft Support, the request id should be provided to Microsoft to assist in tracking and resolving the failure for the request.

Response Body:

Body will be None with 204/202 status code.