Windows Azure Pack Management Portal Client-Side Extension Views


Applies To: Windows Azure Pack

Hello World Sample Visual Studio Project Paths: Microsoft.WAP.Samples.HelloWorld.TenantExtension\Views and \Microsoft.WAP.Samples.HelloWorld.AdminExtension\Views

Views are standard ASP.NET .cshtml pages used to show a configuration user interface in a Windows Azure Pack management portal for administrators extension. This configuration can include elements such as quotas and service-wide options. The .cshtml is shown as a partial view in the content area of the management portal. Hence all the rules regarding valid tags and formatting for Templates are followed. However, no actual templating occurs. For more information about templates, see Windows Azure Pack Management Portal Client-Side Extension Templates.

To have the view appear seamless in the Windows Azure Pack management portal for administrators, inclusion of the portal-wide styles and scripts is automatic. If your .cshtml page requires further styles or scripts, put them in a @section called ServiceOfferScripts. For example:

@section ServiceOfferScripts {
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="@Url.Content("~/Content/DomainAdmin/Styles/DomainAdmin.ServiceOffer.css")" type="text/css" />
  <script src="@Url.Content("~/Content/DomainAdmin/Scripts/DomainAdmin.ServiceOffer.js")"></script>

See Also

Windows Azure Pack Management Portal User Interface Extensions