VEMap.DeleteRoute Method

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Clears the current route (VERoute Class object) from the map.



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

      <script type="text/javascript">
         var map = null;

         // Initial map view
         var SeattleEastside = new VELatLong(47.65, -122.24, 0, VEAltitudeMode.Default);

         function GetMap()
            map = new VEMap('myMap');
            map.LoadMap(SeattleEastside, 8);

         function GetRouteMap()
            var locations;

            if (legForm.legType[0].checked)
          locations = new Array("Tacoma WA", "Seattle WA", "Everett WA");
            else if (legForm.legType[1].checked)
               locations = new Array("Tacoma WA", "Bellevue WA", "Everett WA");

            var options = new VERouteOptions;

            // Otherwise what's the point?
            options.DrawRoute      = true;

            // So the map doesn't change:
            options.SetBestMapView = false;

            // Call this function when map route is determined:
            options.RouteCallback  = ShowTurns;

            // Show as miles
            options.DistanceUnit   = VERouteDistanceUnit.Mile;

            // Show the disambiguation dialog
            options.ShowDisambiguation = true;

            map.GetDirections(locations, options);

         function ShowTurns(route)
            var turns = "<h3>Turn-by-Turn Directions</h3>(rounding errors are possible)";

            turns += "<p><b>Distance:</b> " + route.Distance.toFixed(1) + " miles";

            turns += "<br/><b>Time:</b> " + GetTime(route.Time) + "</p>";

            if (dirsForm.dirsType[0].checked)
               // Unroll route and populate DIV
               var legs          = route.RouteLegs;
               var leg           = null;
               var turnNum       = 0;  // The turn #

               // Get intermediate legs
               for(var i = 0; i < legs.length; i++)
                  // Get this leg so we don't have to derefernce multiple times
                  leg = legs[i];  // Leg is a VERouteLeg object

                  var legNum = i + 1;
                  turns += "<br/><b>Distance for leg " + legNum + ":</b> " + leg.Distance.toFixed(1) + " miles" +
                           "<br/><b>Time for leg "     + legNum + ":</b> " + GetTime(leg.Time) + "<br/><br/>";

                  // Unroll each intermediate leg
                  var turn        = null;  // The itinerary leg
                  var legDistance = null;  // The distance for this leg
                  for(var j = 0; j < leg.Itinerary.Items.length; j ++)
                     turn = leg.Itinerary.Items[j];  // turn is a VERouteItineraryItem object

                     turns += "<b>" + turnNum + "</b>\t" + turn.Text;

                     legDistance    = turn.Distance;

                     // So we don't show 0.0 for the arrival
                     if(legDistance > 0)
                        // Round distances to 1/10ths
                        turns += " (" + legDistance.toFixed(1) + " miles";

                        // Append time if found
                        if(turn.Time != null)
                           turns += "; " + GetTime(turn.Time);

                        turns += ")<br/>";

                  turns += "<br/>";

               // Populate DIV with directions

         function SetDirections(s)
            var d = document.getElementById("directions");
            d.innerHTML = s;

         // time is an integer representing seconds
         // returns a formatted string
         function GetTime(time)
            if(time == null)

            if(time > 60)
            {                                 // if time == 100
               var seconds = time % 60;       // seconds == 40
               var minutes = time - seconds;  // minutes == 60
               minutes     = minutes / 60;    // minutes == 1

               if(minutes > 60)
               {                                     // if minutes == 100
                  var minLeft = minutes % 60;        // minLeft    == 40
                  var hours   = minutes - minLeft;   // hours      == 60
                  hours       = hours / 60;          // hours      == 1

                  return(hours + " hour(s), " + minLeft + " minute(s), " + seconds + " second(s)");
                  return(minutes + " minutes, " + seconds + " seconds");
               return(time + " seconds");
         function ClearAll()
            map.LoadMap(SeattleEastside, 8);
   <body onload="GetMap();" style="font-family:Arial">
      <h3>Get a Route and Directions (optional) from Tacoma to Everett</h3>

      <div id='myMap' style="position:relative; width:400px; height:400px;"></div>

      <form name="legForm">
         <input id="thruSeattle" type="radio" name="legType" checked="checked"/>
        Through Seattle
         <input id="thruBellevue" type="radio" name="legType"/>
        Through Bellevue

      <form name="dirsForm">
         <input id="showdirs" type="radio" name="dirsType" checked="checked"/>
         Show turn-by-turn directions (below)
         <input id="showdirs" type="radio" name="dirsType"/>
         Don't show turn-by-turn directions

      <input id="getroutemap" type="button" value="Get Route Map" onclick="GetRouteMap();"/>
      <input id="clear"       type="button" value="Clear All"     onclick="ClearAll();"/>

      <div id='directions'></div>