Shape.ContextMenuChanged Event


Occurs when the value of the ContextMenu property changes.

Namespace:   Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs (in Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll)


public event EventHandler ContextMenuChanged
event EventHandler^ ContextMenuChanged {
    void add(EventHandler^ value);
    void remove(EventHandler^ value);
member ContextMenuChanged : IEvent<EventHandler,
Public Event ContextMenuChanged As EventHandler


This event is raised if the ContextMenu property is changed by either a programmatic modification or user interaction.

For more information about how to handle events, see Handling and Raising Events.


The following example displays a message when a change occurs to the shortcut menu. This example requires that you have a RectangleShape control named RectangleShape1 on a form.

private void rectangleShape1_ContextMenuChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    MessageBox.Show("A new shortcut menu is available");
Private Sub RectangleShape1_ContextMenuChanged(
  ) Handles RectangleShape1.ContextMenuChanged

    MsgBox("A new shortcut menu is available")
End Sub

See Also

Shape Class
Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks Namespace
How to: Draw Lines with the LineShape Control (Visual Studio)
How to: Draw Shapes with the OvalShape and RectangleShape Controls (Visual Studio)
Introduction to the Line and Shape Controls (Visual Studio)

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