Shape.GetContainerControl Method ()


Returns the next ContainerControl up in a line or shape control's chain of parent controls.

Namespace:   Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs (in Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll)


public IContainerControl GetContainerControl()
IContainerControl^ GetContainerControl()
member GetContainerControl : unit -> IContainerControl
Public Function GetContainerControl As IContainerControl

Return Value

Type: System.Windows.Forms.IContainerControl

An IContainerControl that represents the parent of the control.


For LineShape, OvalShape, and RectangleShape controls, the Parent property always returns a ShapeContainer object. The GetContainerControl method can be used to obtain the parent of the ShapeContainer object.


The following example sets the BackColor of the Panel control that contains an OvalShape control. This example requires that you have a Panel control named Panel1 and an OvalShape control named OvalShape1 on a form.

private void ovalShape1_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    // Declare a Control.
    Control ctl;
    // Find the container for the OvalShape.
    ctl = ((Control)ovalShape1.GetContainerControl());
    // Change the color of the container.
    ctl.BackColor = Color.Blue;
Private Sub OvalShape1_Click() Handles OvalShape1.Click
    ' Declare a Control.
    Dim ctl As Control
    ' Find the container for the OvalShape.
    ctl = OvalShape1.GetContainerControl.ActiveControl.Parent
    ' Change the color of the container.
    ctl.BackColor = Color.Blue
End Sub

See Also

Shape Class
Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks Namespace
How to: Draw Lines with the LineShape Control (Visual Studio)
How to: Draw Shapes with the OvalShape and RectangleShape Controls (Visual Studio)
Introduction to the Line and Shape Controls (Visual Studio)

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