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TCM Element

The TCM element represents logged information for test case management.


Attribute Description
TestCase The identifier for the test case.
Path The directory path to the test case.
Title The name of the test case.
HashKey The handle to the hash table entry for this test case.
CreatedBy The name of the person that created the test case.
ModifiedBy The name of the person that last modified the test case.
AssignedTo The name of the person to whom the test case is assigned.
Type The type of test.
ResultType The type of the result that the test case returns.
Milestone The project milestone for the test case.
Priority The priority level that is assigned to the test case.
TestTime The time, in seconds, to run the test case.
Comments Remarks about the test case.
Method The test case type (automated or manual).
Frequency The number of times the test case is run.
Description The description of the test case to be displayed.
Script The names of the test scripts.
LogPath The directory path to the log file.
Suite The name of the test suite.
Area The name of the project area.
Component The name of the component under test.
SubComponent The name of the subcomponent under test.
Dev The name of the test case developer.
TestLead The name of the test lead that is assigned to the test case.
LogTable The name of the table that contains the log results.
CreateOnly Indicates whether the test case is marked "create only".
LogOnly Indicates whether the test case is marked "log only".
Recursive Indicates whether the test case calls itself recursively.


<TCM TestCase="-1" Path="$\\'My Logger'\COM Test" Title="(null)" 
     HashKey="(null)" CreatedBy="PCHLAB" ModifiedBy="PCHLAB" 
     AssignedTo="PCHLAB" Type="Special" ResultType="(null)" 
     Milestone="Release" Priority="0" TestTime="0" Comments="No comments"
     Method="Automated" Frequency="(null)" Description="(null)" 
     Script="(null)" LogPath="UNC Path to Log File goes here: NO LOG!" 
     Suite="(null)" Area="(null)" Component="(null)" SubComponent="(null)" 
     Dev="(null)" TestLead="(null)" LogTable="LogTbl_Results" CreateOnly="0" 
     LogOnly="1" Recursive="0" CA="31410" LA="515169">
    <RTI ID="1207879918" /> 
    <CTX ID="384048256" /> 

See Also

Logger XML Schema

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Built on December 10, 2009