[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Constructs and initializes a CMemDC object.

   CDC& dc,
   CWnd* pWnd
   CDC& dc,
   const CRect& rect


  • [in] dc
    A reference to the screen device context.

  • [in] pWnd
    A pointer to a CWnd Class object whose device context is used for drawing.

  • [in] rect
    The bounding rectangle for the drawing area.


The first overload takes a pointer to CWnd and determines its client area. The destructor (CMemDC::~CMemDC) copies the contents of the memory device context to the client area.

The second overload specifies a drawing rectangle. The destructor stretches the contents of the memory DC to this rectangle, which makes it possible to draw only part of a window.


Header: afxglobals.h

See Also


CMemDC Class

Other Resources

MFC Hierarchy Chart