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DTSPredictor Object [C++]

Use this object to rebuild prediction and segment models. This object should be run from within the context of a Data Transformation Services (DTS) package. The methods and properties should not be accessed directly. For more information about scripting the Model Builder DTS task, see Scripting the Model Builder DTS Task.

ProgID:   Commerce.DTSPredictor (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   DTSPredictor
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2002 Predictor DTS Task Type Library
DLL Name:   CSDWDTSPredictor.dll
Threading Model:   Apartment


COM Interface Name:   _DTSPredictor
Interface ID Constant:   None
Header File:   None



Method Description
CustomTask_Execute Executes the DTS task. This method is called indirectly when a task is run through a DTS package and should not be used when scripting this task.
PersistPropertyBag_Load Loads the DTS task properties. This method is called indirectly when a task is run through a DTS package and should not be used when scripting this task.
PersistPropertyBag_Save Saves the DTS task properties. This method is called indirectly when a task is run through a DTS package and should not be used when scripting this task.

[Visual Basic]

Method Description
CustomTask_Execute Executes the DTS task. This method is called indirectly when a task is run through a DTS package and should not be used when scripting this task.
PersistPropertyBag_Load Loads the DTS task properties. This method is called indirectly when a task is run through a DTS package and should not be used when scripting this task.
PersistPropertyBag_Save Saves the DTS task properties. This method is called indirectly when a task is run through a DTS package and should not be used when scripting this task.



Property Type Description
ArchiveType short An enumeration that contains the suffix to be concatenated to the name of the model.

This property is read/write.

CustomRename BSTR Contains the custom suffix to be concatenated to the name of the model if the ArchiveType property is set to custom rename.

This property is read/write.

DWConnStr BSTR Contains the Data Warehouse connection string.

This property is read/write.

ModelCfgName BSTR Contains the name of source model configuration (valid only if the Web site name is used).

This property is read/write.

ModelName BSTR Contains the name of the model to rebuild.

This property is read/write.

NumRetries long Contains the number of retry attempts that will be made after a Predictor model build failure.

This property is read/write.

RetryInterval long Contains the number of seconds between retry attempts.

This property is read/write.

SourceName BSTR Contains the name of the Web site or Data Warehouse where the model to be rebuilt is stored.

This property is read/write.

SourceType long An enumeration that contains the level on which the DTS task will operate.

This property is read/write.

Version long Contains the version number to be concatenated to the name of the model if the ArchiveType property is set to version.

This property is read/write.

[Visual Basic]

Property Type Description
ArchiveType Integer An enumeration that contains the suffix to be concatenated to the name of the model.

This property is read/write.

CustomRename String Contains the custom suffix to be concatenated to the name of the model if the ArchiveType property is set to custom rename.

This property is read/write.

DWConnStr String Contains the Data Warehouse connection string.

This property is read/write.

ModelCfgName String Contains the name of source model configuration (valid only if the Web site name is used).

This property is read/write.

ModelName String Contains the name of the model to rebuild.

This property is read/write.

NumRetries Long Contains the number of retry attempts that will be made after a Predictor model build failure.

This property is read/write.

RetryInterval Long Contains the number of seconds between retry attempts.

This property is read/write.

SourceName String Contains the name of the Web site or Data Warehouse where the model to be rebuilt is stored.

This property is read/write.

SourceType Long An enumeration that contains the level on which the DTS task will operate.

This property is read/write.

Version Long Contains the version number to be concatenated to the name of the model if the ArchiveType property is set to version.

This property is read/write.

See Also

Scripting the Model Builder DTS Task


DTSCatalogImport Object

DTSDeleteImport Object

DTSIPResolution Object

DTSLogImport Object

DTSMarketingImport Object

DTSPostImport Object

DTSSynchAdminData Object

DTSTransactionImport Object

DTSUPMCustomTask Object

[Visual Basic]

DTSCatalogImport Object

DTSDeleteImport Object

DTSIPResolution Object

DTSLogImport Object

DTSMarketingImport Object

DTSPostImport Object

DTSSynchAdminData Object

DTSTransactionImport Object

DTSUPMCustomTask Object

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