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Expression Recordset Example


The following examples shows two Recordset objects containing expressions. The first is for an expression (ID = 7) dependent on one profile (User) and no expressions. The second is for an expression (ID = 24) dependent on one other expression (ID=7) and two hypothetical profiles (Product and User). The DateCreated, DateModified, rsExprDeps, and rsProfDeps fields are not shown.

Parent Recordset for Expression7

ExprID ExprName Category ExprDesc ExprBody
7 "Expression7" "Hair" "Bald_people" String7

Expression Dependencies Child Recordset for Expression7

ExprID ExprDep

Profile Dependencies Child Recordset for Expression7

ExprID ProfDep
7 "User"
String7 = "<CLAUSE OPER="is-true">
             <PROPERTY ID="" TYPE="string"/>
             <IMMED-VAL TYPE="string">bald</IMMED-VAL>

Parent Recordset for Expression24

ExprID ExprName Category ExprDesc ExprBody
24 "Expression24" "FeralOctogenarians" "Bald_ginseng_users_over_80" String24

Expression Dependencies Child Recordset for Expression24

ExprID ExprDep
24 7

Profile Dependencies Child Recordset for Expression24

ExprID ProfDep
24 "Product"
24 "User"
String24 = "<TERM TYPE="and">
              <CLAUSE OPER="is-true">
                <EXPR-REF ID=7/>
              <CLAUSE OPER="equal">
                <PROPERTY ID="" TYPE="string"/>
                <IMMED-VAL TYPE="string">ginseng</IMMED-VAL>
              <CLAUSE OPER="at-least">
                <PROPERTY ID="User.GeneralInfo.age" TYPE="number"/>
                <IMMED-VAL TYPE="number">80</IMMED-VAL>

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