Creating a New Pipeline

Commerce Server 2000 provides the following standard templates on which you can base a new pipeline. The template files for creating new pipelines have the .pct file extension (pipeline configuration template). When you save the new template, it is saved with the standard pipeline configuration file (.pcf) extension.

Template name Description
ContentSelection.pct Seven-stage pipeline used to select content for advertising, promotions, and personalization. Contains the following stages: LoadContext, Filter, InitialScore, Scoring, Select, Record, Format.
Empty.pct Empty pipeline.
EventProcessing.pct Three-stage event recording pipeline used to track ads, promotions, and sales for schedule updating. Contains the following stages: Load Context, Record, and Format.
Plan.pct Fourteen-stage Order Processing pipeline (OPP) used to calculate the amount of an order in a retail scenario. Contains the following stages: Product Info, Merchant Information, Shopper Information, Order Initialization, Order Check, Item Price, Item Adjust Price, Order Adjust Price, OrderSubtotal, Shipping, Handling, Tax, OrderTotal, and Inventory.
Product.pct Five-stage OPP used to check factors affecting the price of a product. Contains the following stages: Product Info, Shopper Information, Item Price, Item Adjust Price, and Inventory.
Purchase.pct Three-stage OPP. Accepts the final purchase information. Contains the following stages: Purchase Check, Payment, and Accept.
Test.pct One-stage pipeline. Contains the Test stage.

The template provides a pre-configured pipeline. You can change the names of stages, and delete or add stages.

You can add or delete any component in any stage.

To create a new pipeline

  1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Commerce Server 2000, and then click Pipeline Editor.

  2. On the File menu, click New.

  3. In the Choose a Pipeline Template dialog box, select a template, and then click OK.

  4. Modify the pipeline as necessary.

  5. On the File menu, click Save As, enter the name of the file in the File name box, and then click Save.

See Also

Adding a Component to a Pipeline

Changing the Order of Components in a Pipeline Stage

Creating a List of Values Read and Written

Using the Pipeline Editor Property Pages

Creating a Custom Pipeline

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