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Predictor: Returns same prediction recommendations regardless of the input

If you are getting the same recommendations regardless of input, it is possible that the Predictor resource does not recognize the names of the input attributes. By default, the PredictorClient object ignores input attributes that it does not recognize.


Setting bFailOnUnknownInputAttributes to True will cause the PredictorClient object to generate an error at prediction time if it cannot recognize the input. For Prediction models, use the Prediction Model Viewer to view the trees to see what it is capable of predicting and what input attributes are being used to predict given output attributes. You may find that the attribute that you are trying to predict does not depend on the input attribute strongly enough to be included in the model. For information about using the Prediction Model Viewer, see Prediction Model Viewer.

See Also

PredictorClient Object (Visual C++)

PredictorClient Object (Visual Basic)

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