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The ListSheet HTC supports the following events:

  • OnAllRowsSelect

  • OnAllRowsUnselect

  • OnError

  • OnGroupOpen

  • OnHeaderClick

  • OnNewPage

  • OnRowSelect

  • OnRowUnselect


The OnAllRowsSelect event fires when all rows are selected together using the Select All button.

No event object properties are set for this event.

The firing of this event indicates that all rows have been selected, including those on pages that are not currently being displayed.

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The OnAllRowsUnselect event fires when all rows are unselected together using the Deselect All button.

No event object properties are set for this event.

The firing of this event indicates that all rows have been unselected, including those on pages that are not currently being displayed.

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The OnError event fires when the ListSheet HTC encounters a developer error condition. In addition, if the m_bDebug variable in the HTC is set to True, an alert box appears. This switch can be very helpful in debugging problems that occur when you get the errror message "The control could not load."

The event object property window.event.error contains a string with details about the error.

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The OnGroupOpen event fires when a group row is opened to display sub-item rows or a sub-object table.

The event object property window.event.XMLrecord is a standard XMLrecord object hierarchy corresponding to the opened group row. For more information, see XMLlist and XMLrecord Properties.

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The OnHeaderClick event fires when one of the column headings is clicked, allowing a sorting routine to be invoked. This event will not fire if sorting has been disabled (by setting the sort attribute to "no" in the meta-data).

Two event object properties are set when the event is fired. The window.event.sortcol property contains a string that is set to the value of the id attribute of the (columns) column element corresponding to the heading that was clicked.


  • When using the XMLHTTP sort operation there is no need to trap this event because sort executes automatically.

The event object property window.event.sortdir contains one of the two strings 'asc' or 'desc', indicating the new sorting direction (ascending or descending, respectively).

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The OnNewPage event fires when one of the page navigation buttons is clicked (First, Previous, Next, and Last), or when the page number is explicitly changed.


  • When using the XMLHTTP page operation there is no need to trap this event because the page operation executes automatically.

The event object property contains a positive integer that indicates the new page to be displayed. Page numbers start at one, not zero.

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The OnRowSelect event fires when a row is selected.

The event object property window.event.XMLrecord is a standard XMLrecord object hierarchy corresponding to the selected row. For more information, see XMLlist and XMLrecord Properties.

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The OnRowUnselect event fires when a row is unselected.

The event object property window.event.XMLrecord is a standard XMLrecord object hierarchy corresponding to the row that has been unselected. For more information, see XMLlist and XMLrecord Properties.

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