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XML Structure

This section describes the Extensible Markup Language (XML) structure, elements, and attributes of the Microsoft Commerce Catalog. In the following example, unitalicized names refer to the elements of the XML structure. The first occurrence of each element is linked to documentation on that element. Names in italic are attributes associated with each element.

      <AttributeDefinitionname DataType Id />
      <DefinitionName DefinitionType properties variantProperties />
         <Propertyname DataType MinValue MaxValue DisplayName id
                   DisplayOnSiteExportToDW IncludeInSpecSearch
                   IsFreeTextSearchable />
            <PropertyValueDisplayName />
   <CatalogcatalogName description locale startDate endDate
            productIdentifier productVariantIdentifier currency>
      <Categoryname Definition isSearchable id parentCategories
         <FieldfieldID fieldValue />
         <Relationshipname description relation />
      <Productdefinition listprice id parentCategories pricingCategory>
         <Field fieldID fieldValue />
            <Field fieldID fieldValue />
         <Relationship name description relation />

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