RenderPasswordBox - Solution Sites Routine

This function prepares the HTML that will render an INPUT element for which the TYPE attribute has been given a value of "PASSWORD", and for which other attribute values are supplied by the parameters.


Function RenderPasswordBox(
  byVal sName,
  byVal sValue,
  byVal iSize,
  byVal iMaxLength,
  byVal sAttList)


  • sName
    A string containing a value to be assigned to the NAME attribute.
  • sValue
    A string containing a value to be assigned to the VALUE attribute.
  • iSize
    A number containing a value to be assigned to the SIZE attribute.
  • iMaxLength
    A number containing a value to be assigned to the MAXLENGTH attribute.
  • sAttList
    A string containing any additional, space-separated "attribute=value" pairs to be included in the INPUT element. This string, if non-empty, must begin with a space character.

Return Value

A string containing the HTML that will render the specified password box.

Defined in File


Routines Called


Called By




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