OrderGroup Class (PIA)

The OrderGroup object is used in Commerce Server 2002 to store, access, and compute basket and order information for a site. The OrderGroupManager object works in conjunction with the OrderGroup object, providing search and other management operations for orders.


Method Description
AddItem Adds an item to the specified OrderForm object.
AddItemsFromTemplate Adds the line items associated with an on-disk order group to the current OrderGroup object.
AddOrderform Adds an OrderForm object with all of its contents to the OrderGroup object.
AddXMLAsOrderForm Converts an XML string to an OrderForm object and adds it to the OrderGroup object.
AggregateOrderFormValues Iterates across all OrderForm objects, computes a total of the specified key, and then stores the total at the OrderGroup object level.
Clear Clears the OrderGroup object of all OrderForm objects.
GetAddress Gets the specified address dictionary object.
GetItemInfo Gets a reference to the line-item dictionary from the specified OrderForm object at the specified index.
GetOrderFormAsXML Converts an OrderForm object into an XML string.
GetOrderFormValue Gets the OrderForm object value specified by the supplied OrderForm key.
Initialize Initializes the OrderGroup object.
LoadBasket Loads the basket for the current user from the database.
LoadOrder Loads the specified OrderGroup object from the database.
LoadTemplate Loads the specified template from the database.
PurgeUnreferencedAddresses Removes all addresses in the OrderGroup object that are not being referenced by any line-item shipping address.
PutItemValue Puts the specified values into the specified keys of the line item.
PutOrderFormValue Puts the specified values into the specified keys of the OrderForm object.
RemoveItem Removes a line item from the specified OrderForm object. The item index specified indicates which line item to remove.
RemoveOrderForm Removes the specified OrderForm object from the OrderGroup object.
RunPipe Runs the Pipeline Component File on each OrderForm object in the OrderGroup object.
SaveAsBasket Saves the OrderGroup object to the database with a basket status.
SaveAsOrder Saves the OrderGroup object to the database with an order status.
SaveAsTemplate Saves the OrderGroup object to the database with a template status.
SetAddress Sets the OrderGroup object address dictionary values as specified by the address dictionary object supplied.
SetAddressFromFields Sets the OrderGroup object address dictionary values as specified by the fields object supplied.
SetShippingAddress Sets the shipping address to that referenced by the database address ID supplied.


Property Type Description
LogFile String Log file name for pipeline runs. Allows pipeline logging when set to a non-empty string.

This property is read/write.

SavePrefix String Specifies a key prefix that will prevent a dictionary entry from being saved to the database.

This property is read/write.

Value Object Returns the OrderGroup object attributes.

This property is read-only.


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Orders

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Orders.Requisition.dll

See Also

Business Process Objects

OrderGroupManager Class

OrderForm Class

SimpleFindSearchInfo Class

SimpleFindResultInfo Class

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