Abandoned Registry Entries

There are several situations in which the registry entries associated with Commerce Server 2009 R2 adapters might be considered abandoned. First, the registry subkey specified during the configuration of a Commerce Server 2009 R2 adapter endpoint might be created before creating the endpoint itself is finished. This can occur if you click Apply when configuring the transport properties for the adapter endpoint, but then cancel creating the containing receive location or send port. Also, if you delete a receive location or send port that has been successfully created, the registry subkey that you configured for that endpoint is not automatically cleaned up.

You can manually delete unused registry subkeys associated with defunct adapter endpoints, or select different subkeys for any subsequently created adapter endpoints.

The registry subkeys for the Commerce Server 2009 R2 adapters are always created in the following registry location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\CommerceServer\9.0\BizTalk Adapters\

See Also

Other Resources

Troubleshooting the BizTalk Adapters