Dropping an "Oslo" Repository SQL Schema

[This is prerelease documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

SQL Server schemas play an important role in the design of the code name “Oslo” repository. The data models in the “Oslo” repository database are scoped by SQL schemas that own the tables, views, and other database objects that make up each data model. For more information, see Schema Design Patterns.

Many users load Microsoft code name “M” models into the “Oslo” repository database. During this process, the “M” models follow the same “Oslo” repository design patterns, which results in the creation of a SQL schema for each “M” module.

During testing and development, it is sometimes necessary to completely remove an “Oslo” repository schema from the database. The drop schema T-SQL statement does not allow dropping a schema that owns other database objects. To drop a SQL schema, you first have to drop all dependent objects, such as tables or views.

The script below creates a stored procedure named spDropSchemaObjects. This stored procedure removes the specified SQL Server schema along with all dependent objects. This includes foreign key references in tables that exist in other schemas. The following T-SQL statement demonstrates how to call this stored procedure to remove a Contoso.Contact schema in the “Oslo” repository database.

use Repository
exec spDropSchemaObjects @schemaName='Contoso.Contact'

In addition to removing the database objects associated with the schema, this procedure also removes metadata specific to the “Oslo” repository. It deletes any existing information related to that schema from the “Oslo” repository Catalog. For more information, see "Oslo" Repository Catalog Design Patterns. It also removes any “Oslo” repository sequence objects associated with the schema. For more information, see Identifier Design Patterns.


This stored procedure deletes all data owned by the target “Oslo” repository schema. This includes all of the tables in the target schema. Call this procedure only on your custom schemas, and verify that you want to completely remove the custom schema. Do not call this procedure on any of the system-provided “Oslo” repository schemas or models. Doing so could render the “Oslo” repository database unusable or break other dependent tools and applications.


This stored procedure requires the caller to belong to the RepositoryAdministrator role.

T-SQL Script for spDropSchemaObjects

Run the following T-SQL script on the “Oslo” repository database server to create the spDropSchemaObjects stored procedure. Note that this script assumes that the “Oslo” repository database is named Repository. If this is not the case, you must alter the use statement at the beginning of the script.

use [Repository]
if (OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[spDropSchemaObjects]', 'P') is not null)
   drop procedure [dbo].[spDropSchemaObjects]
create procedure [dbo].[spDropSchemaObjects]
   @schemaName sysname
   set nocount on
   declare @dropStatement nvarchar(500)
   declare @order int

   -- The following deletes "Oslo" repository-specific
   -- data related to the target schema.
   if(SCHEMA_ID('Repository') is not null)
      delete from [Repository].[IdSequencesTable] where [schema] = @schemaName;
      delete from [Repository].[IdSequenceAliasesTable] where [schema] = @schemaName;

   -- Delete Repository.Catalog.Sql Registration for Schema Objects
   -- Store a list of roles associated with the target schema and
   -- their relationship identifiers. Use to delete them later.
   if(SCHEMA_ID('Repository.Catalog.Sql') is not null)
      if (object_id('tempdb.dbo.#roles', 'U') is not null)
         drop table #roles;
      select distinct R.Id as RoleIdToDelete, R.Relationship as RelationshipToDelete
      into #roles
      from [Repository.Catalog.Sql].[Roles] R
      inner join [Repository.Catalog.Sql].[Columns] C on (C.Id = R.RolePlayerColumn or
         C.Id = R.RoleColumn)
      inner join sys.objects O on (O.[object_id] = C.[Object])
      where O.[schema_id] = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName)

      delete [Repository.Catalog.Sql].[Roles]
      where Id in (select RoleIdToDelete from #roles)

      delete [Repository.Catalog.Sql].[Relationships]
      where Id in (select distinct RelationshipToDelete from #roles)

      delete C
      from [Repository.Catalog.Sql].[Columns] C
      where C.[Object] in (select [object_id] from sys.objects O 
                     where O.[schema_id] = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName))

      delete V
      from [Repository.Catalog.Sql].[ViewsTable] V
      where V.Id in (select O.[object_id] from sys.objects O
                     where O.[schema_id] = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName))

      delete S
      from [Repository.Catalog.Sql].[Schemas] S
      where S.Id = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName)

      delete SI
      from [Repository.Catalog.Sql].[SchemaItems] SI
      where (SI.Kind in (2,3) and 
            MajorId in (select O.[object_id] from sys.objects O
                        where O.[schema_id] = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName)))
            (SI.Kind=1 and
            (SI.Kind=5 and
            MajorId in (select RoleIdToDelete from #roles))
            (SI.Kind=4 and
            MajorId in (select RelationshipToDelete from #roles))
   -- Delete SQL schema along with all associated objects.
   declare schemaObjectsCursor cursor for 
      case o.[type]
         when 'TF'   then 'drop function ' + QUOTENAME(@schemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(o.[name])
         when 'IF'   then 'drop function ' + QUOTENAME(@schemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(o.[name])
         when 'FN'   then 'drop function ' + QUOTENAME(@schemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(o.[name])
         when 'P'    then 'drop procedure ' + QUOTENAME(@schemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(o.[name])
         when 'PK'   then 'alter table ' + QUOTENAME(@schemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(p.[name]) + 
                           ' drop constraint ' + QUOTENAME(o.[name])
         when 'F'    then 'alter table ' + QUOTENAME(@schemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(p.[name]) + 
                           ' drop constraint ' + QUOTENAME(o.[name])
         when 'TR'   then 'drop trigger ' + QUOTENAME(@schemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(o.[name])
         when 'V'    then 'drop view ' +     QUOTENAME(@schemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(o.[name])
         when 'IT'   then 'drop table ' + QUOTENAME(@schemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(o.[name])
         when 'U'    then 'drop table ' + QUOTENAME(@schemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(o.[name])
         else '-- Unecessary to drop ' + QUOTENAME(o.[name]) + '.' end,
      [order] = case o.[type]
         when 'P'     then 1
         when 'IF'    then 2
         when 'TF'    then 3
         when 'FN'    then 4
         when 'F'     then 5
         when 'PK'    then 6
         when 'TR'    then 7
         when 'V'     then 8
         when 'IT'    then 9
         when 'U'     then 10
         else 100 end
   from sys.objects o 
   left outer join sys.objects p on o.[parent_object_id] = p.[object_id]
   where o.[schema_id] = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName)
   -- Also drop foreign keys from other schemas that reference the
   -- target schema but will not be dropped themselves.
   union all
      'alter table ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(FK.[schema_id])) + '.' + 
         QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(FK.[parent_object_id])) + 
         ' drop constraint ' + QUOTENAME(FK.[name]),
      [order] = 5
   from sys.foreign_keys FK
   inner join sys.objects O on O.[object_id] = FK.referenced_object_id
   where O.[schema_id] = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName)
            and FK.[schema_id] != SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName)
   -- Also drop user defined types for the schema.
   union all
      'drop type ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(T.[schema_id])) + '.' +
      [order] = 11
   from sys.types T
   where T.[schema_id] = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName)
   -- Also drop xml schema collections for the schema.
   union all
      'drop xml schema collection ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(X.[schema_id])) + '.' +
      [order] = 12
from sys.xml_schema_collections X
where X.[schema_id] = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName)   
   order by [order];    

   -- This loop attempts to drop dependent objects in several passes.
   -- It will not work with circular dependencies. 
   while exists (select name from sys.objects O where O.[schema_id] = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName)
                 union all select name from sys.types T where T.[schema_id] = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName)
                 union all select name from sys.xml_schema_collections X where X.[schema_id] = SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName))
      open schemaObjectsCursor
      fetch next from schemaObjectsCursor into @dropStatement, @order
      while @@fetch_status = 0
         begin try 
            print (@dropStatement);
            execute (@dropStatement);                  
         end try
         begin catch end catch;
         fetch next from schemaObjectsCursor into @dropStatement, @order
      close schemaObjectsCursor

   deallocate schemaObjectsCursor;

   if (SCHEMA_ID(@schemaName) is not null)
      set @dropStatement = 'drop schema ' + QUOTENAME(@schemaName);
      print '';
      print (@dropStatement);
      execute (@dropStatement);                  
grant execute on object::[dbo].[spDropSchemaObjects] to [RepositoryAdministrator];

See Also


"Oslo" Repository Administration

Other Resources

SQL Server Guidelines for Modeling in the "Oslo" Repository

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