IManipulationProcessor::AutoTrack Property

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]
The AutoTrack property is used to indicate whether down events should be used to automatically add input to the manipulation.


HRESULT put_AutoTrack(
  [in]   BOOL enabled
HRESULT get_AutoTrack(
  [out]  BOOL *enabled


  • enabled [in]
    Putting true in this setter enables automatically using any stylus down events to be added to the manipulation.

  • enabled [out]
    If this value is set to true, the manipulation processor automatically will use stylus down events to be added to the manipulation.

Return Value

Returns S_OK on success; otherwise, returns an error code such as E_FAIL.


Client Requires Windows 7.
Header Declared in Manipulations.h; include Manipulations_i.c.

See Also


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Build date: 12/17/2008