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IStreamBufferConfigure3 Interface

This topic applies to Windows Vista or later.

The IStreamBufferConfigure3 interface is exposed by the StreamBufferConfig object.


The IStreamBufferConfigure3 interface inherits from IStreamBufferConfigure2.

In addition, IStreamBufferConfigure3 defines the following methods.

Method Description


Retrieves the prefix that is added to the names of the synchronization objects that the Stream Buffer Engine uses to synchronize the reader and writer.


Queries whether the IStreamBufferRecordControl::Start method automatically stops the current recording.


Specifies a prefix that is added to the names of the synchronization objects that the Stream Buffer Engine uses to synchronize the reader and writer.


Specifies whether the IStreamBufferRecordControl::Start method automatically stops the current recording.


Header Declared in Sbe.h.

See Also

Stream Buffer Engine Interfaces

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Build date: 12/4/2008