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IStreamBufferConfigure::SetBackingFileCount Method

This topic applies only to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.
The SetBackingFileCount method sets the maximum and minimum number of backing files.


HRESULT SetBackingFileCount(
  [in]  DWORD dwMin,
  [in]  DWORD dwMax


  • dwMin [in]
    Specifies the backing file minimum. The valid range is from 4 to 100.

  • dwMax [in]
    Specifies the backing file maximum. The valid range is from 6 to 102, and the value must be at least 2 greater than dwMin.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT. Possible values include those in the following table.

Return code Description


The StreamBufferConfig object was not initialized.


The method succeeded.


If the reader lags behind the writer by more than dwMin files, the writer starts to send STREAMBUFFER_EC_CONTENT_BECOMING_STALE events. If the reader lags behind the writer by more than dwMax files, the writer begins to overwrite files and sends an STREAMBUFFER_EC_STALE_FILE_DELETED event.

Before calling this method, call IStreamBufferInitialize::SetHKEY to specify a registry key where the information will be stored.


Header Declared in Sbe.h.

See Also

IStreamBufferConfigure Interface

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Build date: 12/4/2008