ITsSbResourcePluginStore::EnumerateTargetsByFarm method

Returns an array that contains the targets that are present in the resource plug-in store and that are joined to a farm.


HRESULT EnumerateTargetsByFarm(
  [in]       BSTR FarmName,
  [in, out]  DWORD *pdwCount,
  [out]      IUnknown **pVal[]


  • FarmName [in]
    The farm name.

  • pdwCount [in, out]
    The number of targets retrieved.

  • pVal [out]
    The address of a pointer to an array of IUnknown objects. Call the QueryInterface method on each element to retrieve a reference to the target object. When you have finished using the array, release each element and free the array by calling the CoTaskMemFree function.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Unlike the global store, the resource plug-in store does not copy the target objects because the resource plug-in owns the target object.


Minimum supported client

None supported [desktop apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]



See also




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Build date: 10/26/2012